№ 12. It's Just Egg

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Envelopes come in all different colors and depending on the color, the severity of the message always implies. This one was white and had stamped on it in fancy thick, blue lettering "The Imperial College of London". I stared at it blankly, gnawing on my thumbnail as Chelsea eagerly sliced her keys through its fold.

"The suspense is killing me!" she grumbled as she finally managed to tear the envelope open.

It was killing her? Than how would I describe how I was feeling right now? Like I wanted to bounce off the walls and puke at the same time. My stomach was doing somersaults and I stretched at the hem of my cotton shorts.

Chelsea ripped the letter out and quickly unfolded it; blowing the hair out of her eyes as she prepared.

"Dear Miss. Cassidy Forrester -"

"That's me! " I piped up, suddenly developing hyper hearing as I listened to the creeks from the tenants upstairs. Someone liked to wear stilettos at seven in the morning.

Chelsea rollled her eyes at my outburst.  

"We formally accept you on behalf of The Imperial College of London to attend the Biomedical Engineering program for this Spring Semester and to further your studies in the field with us -"

"I'm in."

Chelsea stopped reading as she put down the letter and glanced over at a wide-eyed me. I was frozen mid thought, processing the information I had just recieved. I was accepted - officially, it was really happening.

"Congratulations Cassidy, " she grinned.

I nodded, not quite sure if I should breathe or smile. This was something I had been planning for nearly my entire life thus far. And I was in. It was...well I didn't quite know. I got what I wanted. So that was that.

"How should we celebrate?" Chelsea drummed her fingernails against the kitchen countertop.

I shrugged, maybe I should call Mom.

"Perhaps another Leaky Faucet at Mac Mar's?"

I snorted, "Haha, perhaps not. I'm staying away from those for a while. How about we stay in?"

She frowned at the rather meager suggestion, "No Leaky Faucet? "

"No, no more getting shitfaced for Cassidy," I replied.

"Well a shitfaced Cassidy was pretty funny."

I got up from the stool to put my dish in the sink, "Glad to be your source for comedy. Anyways, I'll be in my room, thanks for breakfast."

She smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes. I think she was worried. I didn't exactly react how normal people should. I was just accepted into an extremely competetive program at a top notch school, and sort of brushed it off. Maybe it was shock that was kicking in a temporary state of paralysis of emotions. Either way, I wanted to go climb under my covers and pass out.

I had a long day at work; my new ideas for Gary's Roast had business skyrocket and Nick was hinting that a possible promotion could be in my future. But with school starting soon I didn't know if being in a higher position was something I could handle. Plus I didn't want to be in that place any longer than I had to be. That Josie girl was getting creepy to the max and I could almost swear she had a voodoo doll in her bag the other day.

"No problem" Chelsea mumbled but I was already down the hall.

I didn't like people worrying about me. In a way, I hated the guilt but also the attention. If it wasn't that big of a deal, then why cause premature wrinkles over something small. The thought pleased me and I decided it would be my new motto as I entered my room.

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