Chapter 6

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Allen's P.O.V~
I paced back and fourth in my Living Room. Zao and Viktor were spying on Luciano. I had paid them to do it. I kept having a weird supposition that he was planning something weird. Something really big. Matt walked downstairs.

"Allen, what are you doing?" Matt asked with his bloody hockey stick in hand.

"I'm just thinking, I think Luciano is planning something behind our backs." I said. I continued to pace back and fourth.

"Well don't worry... Knowing you, you'll find a way no matter what."

"Yea, I sent Zao and Viktor as Spies. I just don't know about Luciano."

"Well, whatever it is we'll stop it."

"Thanks Matt, they should be here in a few minutes." Allen said. He sat on the couch and as he did, Zao and Viktor came in. "Told you."

"You called that one by a long shot." Matt said and walked out the door.

Zao: So we have some useful information for you Allen.

Viktor: Of course we'll share with you, Da. But first... Pay up.

Me: Fine.
*I slam money on table*
There's your fucking money. Now share the information

Viktor: Well Luciano is using your biggest weakness as a doll. He is going to use it to capture you and make you one of his mind slaves. He'll do it until all of the 2p Allied Forces are captured and make us mind slaves.

Francois: We're obviously not going to let that happen.

Me: Well Duh!

Zao: Thanks for doing business with us... Now we better be getting. Call us if you need anymore, aru.
*Viktor and Zao left*

Allen: Francois, what is my biggest weakness?

Francois: Why ask me this? I have no fucking idea!? I'm gonna go smoke.

Francois left the room, which left me wandering. 'What the Hell is my Weakness?' I thought. I got up and went to my room. I sat on my bed and kept thinking. I had to figure out what my weakness was. It'll be the death of me if I don't. I started to lay down and take a nap. I'll figure it out tomarrow.

Oliver's P.O.V~
I yawned I still in my cell and couldn't remeber anything. I remeber being dragged into the mirror and seeing Luciano. Do have that bad of a memory? Okay, I do admit I'm not the sharpest knife in my collection, but do I have horrible memory? I stood up again, getting dizzy. Then I realized I wasn't in a cell like last time. I was in a weird capsule. It had vents on the floor, the glass was stained a lime green, and was attached by a large system of tubes.

I had never been here before, nor did I never know a place like this existed. It was clearly a lab, but who's lab was it? I couldn't see through the glass. Which meant either it was one way glass or I needed glasses. Though who would want to experiment on me? Then a weird gas came out of the vents. I tried holding my breathe but couldn't for long. Then I lost my mind.

Canada's P.O.V~
I followed England, I didn't think he knew where he was going either. America and France kept making perverted jokes, and England would only yell back in reply. I tried speaking up, but they just could hear me. Japan stayed quiet while all of this. I kinda wish I had Kumajuro though. I want to hug him, but I don't want him to ask who I am.

We turned a corner and I could've sworn I saw a polar bear. I looked back and saw it again. I wouldn't think the other's would notice I was missing. I don't think they even care! I quickly ran to the polar bear. I looked to see the other's still arguing. I turned back around and hugged the huge polar bear. It was obviously not Kumajuro. Maybe Russia's polar bear. I burried my face it's chest and kept it there. When I looked up, a hand quickly covered my mouth and grabbed my hands.

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