Chapter 9

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England's P.O.V~
We walked down the Hall with Allen. He kept me close. I believe my make-over was that good. We walked to his house. I had a very strange feeling I was going to blow my cover. I mean... Nobody likes my cooking, I'm not as cheery as Oliver, and he dosen't curse. This is going to be alot harder then I thought. We walked into the house and sat down the couch. He held me close to where we were cuddling. Being honest I was enjoying it quite abit. America nor France would be this clingy to me. I could feel myself slowly falling asleep.

Allen: You tired Ollie?

Me: Yea... Abit.

Matt: Must get tired hanging around all those annoying little countries, huh?

I didn't even have to lie.

Me: Yea... Me constantly having to deal with America and France.

Francios: Well, you're home now Oliver.

Allen: Yea get some rest. You'll need your energy for later.

Matt: Really? I think you should atleast wait til to tomarrow to play around in the bed, Allen.

Allen: Oliver wouldn't mind, would ya Dollface?

Me: I'll think it over.

Allen kissed my forehead and the next thing I knew I was fast asleep. Being Oliver wasn't so bad.

Oliver's P.O.V~
(Italics what Oliver's thinking)
I knew exactly where I was going. I knew this place like the back of my hand.

Turn around...

I turned the corner of the mansion. I then saw the 1p's.

Be Careful...

They all said my name in sync. I used my magic and swept them all against the wall leaving them there. I turned again and snapped. They fell to the ground and I let out a loud menacing laugh.


I made my way to the 2p Allied House. I really wanted to see an old friend.

I'm so sorry...

Author-Chan P.O.V~
England was fast asleep on the couch cuddled with Allen. Allen rubbed his hair, comforting him. England smiled in his sleep. Matt left to go feed his gigantic polar bear Kuma. Allen had gotten up from his position with England. Then walked to the kitchen with Francios. Then quickly the door slammed open.

Allen: Damn Matt just Fucking Break it!

Oliver: Your mistaken

Francios: Allen there are two Oliver's.

Allen: What the Hell!?

Oliver: Tell me... Francios. Dose this smell like Chloroform?

Oliver held a cloth to his nose, then he passed out on the floor. Oliver laughed and walked to Allen.

Oliver: You've been a Naughty Boy Allen... You must be punished.

Allen: What!? You're Not Oliver! Who are you!?

Oliver: You'll never believe it, if I say.

Oliver put the cloth to his nose and Allen tried pushing him away. But failed both were knocked out by Oliver. Oliver dragged both of them to a room. When came back to look for Matt... He took England instead.

Oliver: Please... I'm so Sorry... Don't be mad... I can't control myself... Anymore... I'm so sorry...

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