Chapter 12

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England: Stop it Italy... You're making me nervous.

Italy: Okie Dokie!

Russia: Um... Guy's... I think he isn't breathing...

Allen: What!!!!!?????

Matt: Try the Spell! We might still keep him alive still!

England: Okay...
apporter Oliver à la vie donne-lui la santé et de la jeunesse une fois de plus ACTIVER!

Everyone's attention was then on Oliver. A blue light came from Oliver's chest. It circled around him. Russia set Oliver down, and he floated up. The colours started change from a green to a pink, then a purple, to Orange. He was magically set to the ground. As he did he glew a bright white.

France: Is he dead?

Allen: He better not be...

Oliver: I-I am Fine... *cough cough* Poppet.

Allen picked Oliver up quickly and gave him a bone crushing hug.

England: Hey! He is weak let him rest...

Matt: Yea... Make-out with him later.

Allen: Hugging people isn't making-out. It is something to show that you love them and you want to express it. I'm sorry you don't like PDA.

Oliver: Allen... You're squeezing me too hard.

America and Prussia tried to hold in their laughs as best they could. Their faces even started to hold red. (Allen let go of Oliver though)

Francios: When are you not going to laugh? You guys and your perverted jokes.


Oliver: America... May you please quiet down? I don't feel well and I need some rest.

America: Okay Dude! No Problem... You deserve some rest after what you've been through.

Oliver: Thank You America.

England: Night Oliver... Come on everyone.

Matt: Allen, Francios, and I are going to stay here with Oliver.

England: Okay... Don't be too long

Matt: Yea, Yea we won't

The others left the room leaving the 2p's in the bedroom alone.

Allen: Glad you're alive Ollie...

Matt: Yea... Without you... We just couldn't... Think straight you know?

Oliver: But you've lived without me before... Why would me dead be a difference?

Francios: None of us went without thinking of you.

Matt: Alot of things reminds us of you...

Oliver: Really? Like what?

Allen: Sweets

Matt: Colourful things

Francios: Cursing

Allen: Yea... Sometimes we would just yell out cuse words and say Ollie come get us

Matt: Or we would go to your old room and just sit in there and take naps

Francios: Or just wear pink things and do our best British accent.

Oliver: And all of you guys did that because you missed me?

Allen; Matt; Francios: Yep

Oliver: Bit didn't you ever get depressed when you did those things.

Matt: Of course we did! We're not that cold hearted.

Francios: Sometimes when we cused we would put quarters in your old swear jar.

Oliver: Wow... I feel... Really special you guys.

Allen: Well heaven only knows what would've happened if you actually died.

Francios: With us watching too.

Oliver: Thanks Guys

Matt: No problem... Now you should get some rest...

Oliver: Alright then... I guess I'll see you when I awaken, right?

Francios: Yea... No need to worry.

Allen, Matt, and Francios started to walk out of the room Allen being the last. But as soon as he made sure the other two were gone he quickly snuck back in.

Allen: Psst... Oliver... You still awake?

Oliver: Yea... What do you need, poppet?

Allen: I wanted to give you a kiss... You know... For sweet dreams.

Oliver: Alright then... Come give me one then. I don't bite.

Allen: But you do scratch and punch.

Oliver: Whatever come here.

Allen walked over and nealt down to Oliver's height. Allen gently kissed him but didn't anymore... Deep as you would say. He didn't do anymore then give him a peck on the lips.

Oliver: Thanks Allen... Now don't you think you should go downstairs?

Allen: Don't worry dollface... I'm going but as soon as you're stronger we're going to play a game.

Oliver: Can't wait! Now leave me to my slumber.

Allen smiled and walked out of the room. Thinking 'o what fun I'll have with my Ollie!'

 Thinking 'o what fun I'll have with my Ollie!'

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