Chapter 7

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Canada's P.O.V~
The thing that grabbed my arms and covered my mouth, pushed me forward. I walked not knowing what to do. I was super nervous. What are they going to do to me? The person pushed me into a place that looked just like the meeting hall. Although it was backwards and alot darker. The colour scheme of the place was a monhagoney, dark red, and violet.

The pushed me into a room where I saw the 2p Allied countries just sitting watching a movie. They all quickly jumped up and moved toward me. They grabbed there weapons and stood next to me. The either pointed them at me, or were getting ready to swing. I flinched at them, when my arms were let go of and they wrapped around me.

Matt: Don't! I captured him, because I saw him and our doppelganger's snooping around.

Allen: What do you mean!? Why were they snooping around Matt!?

Matt: I haven't asked yet. I wanted to make sure the coast was clear.

Francois: Well ask him!?

Matt rolled his eyes and uncovered my mouth. He stopped hugging me and grabbed my wrists and put them behind my back again. I gulped cause I was super nervous. I even saw my curl wrinkle up.

Matt: Talk!

Me: What D-Do you want t-to k-know?

Viktor: Why were you snooping around with your... Friends!?

Me: We were looking f-for Oliver. He was dragged into the mirror by someone. So we're going to go rescue him.


Me: Y-Yes p-please don't hurt m-me. I-I am sorry

Zao: We're not going to hurt you, so calm down Canadia

Allen started skaking and he had to drop his bat. He covered his face and started... crying? He had to sit down on the couch. He sniffled and coughed he just, broke down. I couldn't tell if he was angry either. He was shaking so bad it looked like he was having a seizure. I would've pat him on his back but my hands were still on back. So I decided to say something instead. I didn't want to try to get free... I was afraid that they were going to hurt me.

Me: I'm sorry Allen... But I will help you find Oliver!

Allen looked up his eyes filled with tears. He got up and went upstairs and came back with a brown box. I looked back at my 2p and he just nodded. I gulped and he pulled out a necklace. He smirked and started coming closer. But I thought it was funny because he was still sniffling.

England P.O.V~
I navigated us through the long hallways of the mansion. I then found a cell room!

Me: Well look there, I told you I could find it.

France: Yes, yes you did. For the millionth time, Angelterre.

America: Good Job Iggy! Knew you could do It!

Me: Oliver isn't here though... His bowtie is, nothing else.

America: It's okay Iggy but hey look... There's a map here too.

Japan: Woo... We're saved!

America: Hahahahaha leave it to Japan to be sarcastic! What about you Mattie? Anything to say?

Japan: Canada isn't here America-San

Me, France, America: WHAT!?

France: Oh Where is my Little Maple Leaf!? Oh England...

America: England where is Mattie? You're the leader! You gotta know where he is!

England: Calm Down! It'll be okay... We have to get into contact with the other groupe. This is great this mission is going all wrong.

France: I can call Gilbird

Japan: Prussia?

France: No. His bird all of the BTT members have one for each of our birds.

America: Wait a minute... You have a bird.

France: Yes... 36 of them... They're all name Pierre.

England: Why all Pierre?

France: I like that Name. Now let me summon Gilbird and we'll gind both now.


Author-Chan P.O.V~
France had sent out a message contacting the other groupe. Russia, Prussia, and China still snickered at the stupid, yet hilarious joke. Well, until a little beeping came from Gilbird.

"Hmm? Oh Gilbird... Someone is contacting jou." Prussia said letting Gilbird fly into his hand. The little bird chirped the message to Prussia. "Gilbird go see vhat the other groupe wants. It must be important if they are trying to get a hold of us." Then the little bird flew away.

Germany: Where is jour bird going?

Prussia: Jou will understand zat when he returns now let's just go and continue looking doors

Italy: Hey Guys Look It's~a Canada!

Russia: Are you sure Italy?

The groupe walked over to Italy and peeked there head around the corner.

China: You stupid ass! That is Matt... 2p Canada, aru!

Prussia: We've got to be very quiet okay... Maybe we can, Canada?

Italy: How do you Canada?

Prussia: No, No look it is actually Canada... Is he helping the 2p's?

Germany: If Canada is there the other groupe should be nearby

Prussia: Afraid not Vest... The note from France Says~

We have a little change in plans... Canada has somehow disappeared and we're really worried. So if you guys want to continue looking for Oliver you may. But we'll look for Canada. My Poor Maple Leaf. Also we have a map! So tell us where you are and we can find you!
~Francis Bonnefoy 💋

Russia: Write a note that we know where Canada is. So they can look for Oliver, Da.

Prussia: Okay... I'll write him~

We know where Canada is, you look for Oliver. Unless you want to meet us. We're near the... Idk but Gilbird will show you.
~ The Awsome Prussia

Prussia: There jou go Gilbird, go tell zeh other groupe.

Germany: Vhat are going to do?

Prussia: Follow Canada til they find us.

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