Six little soldier boys

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- Six little soldier boys playing with a hive; a bumble bee stung one and then there were Five.-

Dr. Armstrong came inside the house. the other guests were still sleeping.
"hello?!" he shouted, but nobody responsed. he punched on the gong while shouting: "WAKE UP EVERYONE!!!"
the others woke up and opened their doors.
"what's wrong?"
"there's another one!" the doctor cried and lead them to the body of mr. Rogers.
Vera Claythorne vomited when she saw it.
Lombard looked at it. "he must be dead all night."
"how did you even find him, doctor?"
"well, I wanted a cup of coffee, so I asked one, but he wasn't in the house. I went lookimg for him amd found him here", he replied.
"one chopped himself in halves", ms. Harington said.
the doctor's eyes widened. "Six little soldier boys playing with a hive; a bumble bee stung one... and then there were Five!" he said and started panicking. "but there are no hives here and neither are there any bumble bees, which means that we don't know how the next one's going to die and it could be any of us, we're just with six!"
"calm down, doctor, calm down", ms. Harington said and she and ms. Claythorne took him inside and made him a cup of tea.
the others came inside too, Blore and Lombard took the body with them and lied him on his bed. they were both red of all the blood. they all stood next to his bed.
"I'm going to change my clothes", Philip Lombard said.
"can someone make dinner, Brent, Claythorne, Harington? I'm hungry!" Blore said.
"seriously, sir? you just moved a body and now you're saying you're hungry?"
"that makes you very suspicious, Blore!"
"sorry!" he replied.
ms. Claythorne walked towards the door. "I'll make something", she said.
a few minutes later she ran into the room again. "ms. Harington, will you please come with me?" she asked, with wide eyes.
ms. Harington followed her to the dining room.
"there are six", Claythorne said and pointed at the emerald figures.
ms. Harington counted them too. six, indeed.
"why will they not believe it?" ms. Vera Claythorne cried.
Maureen looked at her. "I'll throw them all out of the window if that makes you feel more comfortable, miss", she offered and grabbed the emerald figures.
"no, don't!" she yelled.
she put them back. "I'll help you with breakfast."
she smiled. "thank you."
they made tea first and ms. Haringtom brought it to the others.
"thanks, miss", Blore said.
"yea, thank you, Maureen", Lombard said and smiled.
"you're welcome", she replied mumbling and turned around quickly and walked to the kitchen again. she didn't want them to notice she was blushing.
Blore took a sip of his cup of tea.
"wait, who made this?" he asked and put it back on a table.

after breakfast ms. Harington walked towards mr. Lombard, who was smoking a cigarette.
"hello, Philip", she whispered and smiled. she loved to call him like that and she was glad she was the only one here who was allowed to.
"hi, Maureen", he replied.
she grabbed his hand and took him outside the room.
"so who do you think is the murderer then?" she asked.
"I don't know", he replied. "why?"
"well, it's not that I think it's you, but I need to know for sure. you didn't kill them, did you?" she asked, desperately hoping he'd say no.
"no, I didn't. you?"
she smiled and hugged him. "me neither."
he layed his hand upon her back. she looked up at him and kissed him in his neck. "so who on this island do you totally trust?" she asked.
she felt a warm feeling going through her body when he said that. he held his mouth close to her ear, she felt his breath in her neck.
"I love you", he whispered.

mrs. Brent sat in the dining room, hand-knitting.
"are you okay, mrs?" ms. Claythorne asked, who came walking inside.
"yes, I'm fine. thanks, dear", she replied. "she was such a nice girl."
"I'm sorry, who was?"
"Beatrice", she replied. "I taught her how to be a real lady. she actually already was", she added and smiled. "she was so nice and smart and a real beauty. I was like her second mother. I taught her sewing and cooking and she was so good at it!" mrs. Brent was quiet for a moment. "that's until she told me she was pregnant. Me, the only person who looked after and cared about her, let her down. it's because of me that she jumped infront of a train, ms. Claythorne." tears were standing in her eyes.
"I'm sorry, mrs. Brent. but it's not your fault, don't blame yourself!" she replied. "I have to do the dishes, but I'll be right back", she added and walked inside the kitchen to do the dishes.
"need any help?"
she turned around and saw Justice Wargrave standing there.
she smiled. "no, I'll be fine."
he walked towards her. "I'd love to help, miss." he held up his hand and she gave him dishcloth.
"so what's your opinion of the others?" she asked.
"I'm very fond on them all, miss", he replied.
"do you mind if I go, sir? mrs. Bent is kind of upset", she said and he nodded. "thanks", she said.
she opened the door to Bent's room. she wasn't there. she grabbed a candle and walked towards the dining toom. it was dark inside the house. she opened the door.
"mrs. Bent?"
Emily Bent sat in her chair, a knife stuck in her neck.
Vera Clathorn turned around slowly and bashed on the gong until the whole house was filled with the noise.

Eleven Little Soldier BoysWhere stories live. Discover now