Three little soldier boys

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- Three little soldier boys walking in the zoo; a big bear hugged one and then there were Two. -

"mr. Lombard!"
Philip Lombard opened his door.
"what's wrong, Tubbs?" he asked.
"dr. Armstrong has just left the house", he answered.
"what?" ms. Harington came walking towards the two men, only covered in a sheet. "where did he go?" she asked.
"I don't know", Blore cried.
"dont worry, Tubbs, we will find him", Lombard said and grabbed the revolver. "Maureen, you better get dressed. do not leave your room unless me and Tubbs say so, understand?"
she nodded and went into her room.
they warned ms. Vera Claythorne and went after dr. Armstrong.

they couldn't find the doctor anywhere and went back to the house.
"Maureen, you can come outside", Philip Lombard said.
she opened her door. "did you find him?" she asked.
he shook his head. "he is vanished."
"what do you mean? he has to be somewhere on the island! isn't there some place where he could be hiding?" she replied.
"we searched the whole island, including in the house."
"well, this is good proof that we found our murderer", she said.
"yes, but now we lost him again."
they went downstairs to have breakfast. Armstrong might be gone, but that didn't mean they shouldn't have breakfast. they had to be in a good physical state if he attacked again, which he certainly would do.
"why can't we just find him, he can't just vanish, that is bloody impossible!" Blore yelled.
"Tubbs, calm down, we have to be on our guard, but then we will all make it", Lombard tried to calm him down. "and besides I have my gun back", he added and layed his hand upon the trigger.
"oh, and is that supposed to make me feel safe, ey?!" Blore replied.
ms. Claythorne brought him a cup of tea. "maybe this will calm you down", she said.
"thanks miss, sorry for shouting", he said and took a sip of his cup.
she smiled at him, only a little smile. "I get it, there is a lot of tension in here", she said and he nodded.
"I'm just so bloody damn frightened! poor Landor must have been so scared before I killed him. because I did, I bloody killed him!" detective inspector Blore said and layed his head in his hands. "I beated him into pulp, I did. till he was nothing more than a pile of bones and clothes. and he was so nice! if I just hadn't killed him than none of this would have happened!"
"it's not your fault, Tubbs."
"stop bloody calling me like that!" he yelled.
"than what should we call you?" ms. Claythorne asked.
"William, or just say Bill."
"okay, Bill."
"I don't want to sit here and wait to die, let's do something!" Blore said and stood up.
"but what can we do? lit a bonfire?" ms. Harington asked.
"that won't work, the weather may be better, but the sea is still heavy. and anyway, they will think it is for a party or something", Lombard said.
"it is better than nothing. Narracott will see us", she replied.
they went outside to get some sticks, holding knifes to protect themselves.
"I'm going to grab some food", Blore said.
"okay, follow us as soon as you are done and be on your guard!" mr. Lombard said and he and the two women went outside.
Blore nodded and went into the kitchen, holding his knife tight, very tight.
he heard footsteps upstairs somewhere. in the dining room, he guessed, if it wasnt his own imagination.
he suddenly became even more frightened. it had to be dr. Armstrong, and Blore, being a detective inspector, would love to catch him. but there was a great chance that that was exactly what Armstrong wanted. he better went outside after the others.
but he couldn't resist it and slowly walked up the stairs on tiptoe. nobody. he slowly looked around the door to the dining room, holding his knife very very tight. and that was probably for the best, because he saw a huge white bear standing there, ready to attack him.

Eleven Little Soldier BoysWhere stories live. Discover now