Four little soldier boys

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- Four little soldier boys going out to sea; a red herring swallowed one and then there were three. -

they found mr. Justice Wargrave sitting in a chair, being shot through the head. his blood was everywhere, on his face, his clothes, the chair, the pillow, the wall...
"oh my god..." ms. Harington repeated herself.
"we should wrap something around his head before removing him", dr. Armstrong said. "we don't want his brains everywhere", he added and pulled off his jacket.
Lombard stopped him. "don't use your jacket, dr. Armstrong. I will find something", he said and walked away.

they layed mr. Justice Wargrave in his bed and covered him with a sheet.
this was the first death that really upset ms. Harington. she had been upset about them all, certainly when they found out that they were all going to die. but the judge was the first person who died that she really liked. she would miss him.
dr. Armstrong closed the door and looked at the other four people. his eyes were widened.
"can someone go to the dining room? to check the figures", he said, his voice was shivering.
ms. Claythorne nodded and walked away.
"stop, we need to go together", Blore said and they all followed her.
there were only four emerald figures left.
"you know, this doesn't make any sense, none of it does. I mean, why are there only four figures, while we are with five damn persons left?!" ms. Harington said. "and why does someone wants to kill us after all? and why this way? wouldn't it be much easier to shot us all dead with that stolen gun?" she added.
mr. Lombard layed his hand upon her shoulder.
"hush now, it does no good to start rambling", he whispered.
"sorry, I'm just upset, then I get hysterical", she replied and took a deep breath.
"but you have not been hysterical before", Blore slowly said. "and I think you are supposed to be upset a few times. that can mean that you, ms. Harington, could be our murderer!"
she lifted her eyebrows in shock. "excuse me, mr. Blore? I am just trying to don't bother you all", she said. "does that make me a murderer?"
mr. Blore raised his shoulders. "don't take it personal, miss, I'm just guessing a bit. I'm desperate, you see?" he said.
"we are all desperate, sir."
Philip Lombard sighed. "I am going to my room, you can stay here fighting or do whatever you want", he said and walked away.
ms. Harington watched him going out of the room and then turned her head to face mr. Blore.
"I'm really sorry", she said.
"me too, miss", he replied.

a few minutes later mr. Lombard ran into the room again, holding his revolver in his hand.
"where did you get that?" Blore asked and windened his eyes.
"it was lying on my bed. don't worry, Tubbs, I'm not going to shoot you", he replied.
dr. Armstrong walked towards them.
"I will not just wait till we are going to die", he said. "I refuse to do that."
"but what choice do we have?" ms. Harington asked.

they were all drunk. they were having a party, with drinking, smoking and lots of food. it was quite nice, they did forget all there sorrows and were laughing the whole time. they were even happy.
mr. Lombard stood up and looked at ms. Harington.
"may I?" he asked and grabbed her hand.
his behavior was surprisingly good for someone who was drunk.
she started giggling and stood up to dance with him.
dr. Armstrong and mr. Blore followed them and started dancing too and ms. Claythorne was so tired that she couldn't even stand upon her feet.
ms. Harington stepped closer towards Lombard, till she leaned against him.
he smiled.
"It's been a long time since I last danced with you, Maureen", he whispered.
she looked up at him and returned his smile.
"I have missed you, Philip", she said and layed her head upon his shoulder.
they all were too drunk to notice that the gramophone started playing their accusations again.
when dr. Armstrong's name was mentioned, he started yelling.
"thats me!! I did that!"
the others did that too.
"Prisoners at the bar, have you anything to say in your defence?"
"guilty!!!" they all shouted and threw their hands up.
"yeah, I can remember his head smashed, his blood and brains everyhwere! I'm totally guilty!" ms. Harington laughed.
they all laughed with her and started dancing again.
she walked towards Philip and leaned against him again. this was definately the best night of her whole life...
dr. Armstrong stood with mr. Blore unconscious in his hands. he looked at mr. Lombard and ms. Harington dancing together like this and he finally got it.
"Blore! Blore!" he whispered.
Blore opened his eyes. "what?"
"look at them!"
he looked at them standing together.
"mr. and mrs. Owen!" the doctor whispered.
Blore was totally awake again.
"oh my god... do you think so?" he asked and looked at the doctor with terror in his eyes.
he nodded.
ms. Claythorne walked towards them, not very steady.
"anything wrong?" she asked.
"look at them, miss!" the doctor repeated and pointed at them.
"mr. and mrs. Owen..." she said and her eyes widened. "we should go to bed", she added and the two men nodded.
"lets go sleeping", Blore said.
Lombard and Harington followed the others to their rooms where they all hesitated.
"nothing had happened at night, so I'll see you all tomorrow", ms. Claythorne said and went inside her room.
they agreed and went into their rooms too, locking their doors.
ms. Harington looked around the big dark room. she opened her door again and knocked on mr. Lombard's door.
"yes?" she heard him saying, sounding alert.
yes, she would be safe with him.
"Philip, can I please come in?" she whispered.
he unlocked the door and opened it and she came inside.
"thank you."
he wiped a string hair out of her face.
"what's wrong?" he asked.
she raised her shoulders. "I just want to be with you", she said and kissed him.
he layed his hands on the back of her head and pulled her closer towards him.
she embraced him and pushed him on his bed.

mr. Blore woke up by the sound of footsteps in the corridor. footsteps? but they had all agree to stay together, had they not? he listened again, maybe it was just his imagination. but he still heard them.
he took a deep breath before opening the door. he walked into the corridor on tiptoe and saw dr. Armstrong leaving the house.
he ran up stairs again and knocked on mr. Lombard's door.

Eleven Little Soldier BoysWhere stories live. Discover now