One little soldier boy

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- One little soldier boy left all alone; he went and hang himself and then there were none. -

he was dead...
he was dead...
Philip was dead...

ms. Claythorne walked inside the house again. she had just killed Philip Lombard, but she didn't feel sorry. he was the murderer and now he was dead. there was only ms. Harington left along with herself. but ms. Harington had locked herself up and it was easy to block it from the outside too, so that she couldn't get out. Vera Claythorne smiled.
she had won!!
but now she was so tired, she couldn't even held her eyes open. she walked upon the stairs. she took a look in the dining room and saw one figure left.
she smiled and continued walking, dropping the gun on the floor.
no, she wasn't alone. Hugo was here too.

ms. Harington stood up as soon as ms. Claythorne was out of her sight and ran towards the body that was lying in the sea.
"Philip!" she shouted but she already knew that he was not going to give her an answer.
she started crying and ran to the house. ms. Claythorne was more dangerous than she had expected.
"I'm sorry.." she whispered and ran towards her room.
Philip's gun was lying on the ground before the stairs and she saw no figures standing in the dining room.
"Vera?" she yelled.
no answer.
she quickly walked upon the stairs and saw ms. Claythorne's door was open. she opened it further and saw her hanging.
she was dead.
ms. Harington collapsed. this meant that the murderer was still there, because she didn't kill her and if it was suicide then how could it be that the chair was standing against the wall?

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