Two little soldier boys

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- Two little soldier boys sitting in the sun; one got frizzled up and then there was one. -

Philip Lombard, Vera Claythorne and Maureen Harington were walking upon the island. Vera looked around.
"its taking him a long time to get up with us", she said as mr. Blore still hadn't came outside.
the other two turned their heads to look.
"maybe we should go and look for him", ms. Harington suggested.
"Tubbs can perfectly look after himself, he is a detective inspector and he is on his guard", Lombard replied.
"but mr. Justice Wargrave was on his guard too."
Philip sighed. "fine, we will take a look", he said and they walked back to the house.
"Bill, are you okay?" ms. Claythorne asked.
no answer.
they walked through the house slowly. he wasn't in the kitchen?
"he was getting some food, was he not? well then were is the damn fool?" Philip Lombard whispered.
they went upstairs to look in the dining room.
that wasn't neccessary.
they saw him lying on the floor before the door to the dining room, he was stabbed with a knife. on the doorstep lied the white bear skin.
"a big bear hugged one.." ms. Harington whispered with a lump in her throat.
ms. Claythorne walked towards the table, towards the two emerald figures who were standing in the middle of it, facing eachother.
"can we please go outside and lit the fire? please?" she cried.
she was scared to death that Armstrong was still in the house to kill them. it was safer in the open air, then she would see anyone coming nearer.
"the fire won't work, we better find Armstrong", Philip Lombard said.
"well, I will stay here", ms. Harington said.
she would lock herself up in her room, nothing could happen then, right? she could survive without food for a few days, but she was not planning on setting another foot outside the room.
"Maureen, we must stick together!" Philip said.
"no, I don't want to find him, Philip. dont you see? he is a mad man!"
"I have my revolver back, he doesn't have a chance. come on, let's go", he replied.
she shook her head and started running towards her room, locking herself in. she would be safe here...

ms. Claythorne and mr. Lombard went outside again to look for the doctor.
"Maureen was right, he is probably mad, so stay close to me", he said and she nodded.
they walked upon the bare island towards the coast.
"hold on, do you see that?" ms. Claythorne asked and pointed at a spot on the rocks. "it looks like human clothes!" she added.
they walked closer towards it and climbed till they could see dr. Armstrong lying there with seaweed in his hair.
he was dead.
they went down to the beach again.
"he is dead", Philip said with wide eyes.
how could he be dead? he had to be their murderer!
she looked at him very calmly. "shouldn't we take him to his room, just like the others?" she suggested.
"why would we?"
"because we must show some respect", she replied.
he nodded. "very well", he said and climbed upon the rocks to get the body of the poor doctor.
Vera Claythorne stepped towards him and quickly grabbed his gun.
he looked at her and came down.
"so this was your plan, not to take him to his room but to steal my gun instead", he said and slowly walked towards her.
"do not come any closer", she said. "dr. Armstrong can not be the murderer and I am not the murderer either, so it has to be you. you and ms. Harington are mr. and mrs. Owen, isn't that right?" she added and started laughing.
he shook his head. "no, Vera, I am not the murderer! now, give me that gun", he said. "give me that gun, Vera.."

ms. Harington slowly opened her door. she could not just stay here, what the bloody hell had she been thinking? she would let down on Philip and she had done that before and never ever again would she do that.
she walked upon the corridor on tiptoe and went outside. she didn't see Philip and Vera anywhere, but they had to be somewhere on the island.
she started walking towards the place where they'd used to lit the bonfire. not that they ever would do that now. Philip was right, nobody would come.
she looked at the sea and saw two people standing on the beach. Philip and Vera!
but why did she held his gun up to him?

"give it to me", mr. Lombard repeated himself.
he was very close to her now. he could jump and grab it, but that was risky...
but Philip was a man who always took the risky way and he had been in so many tight places before and survived all of them, so he was quite sure he would survive this too.
"give the gun to me", he whispered and jumped towards her, grabbing it, but she wouldn't let it go.
she pulled the trigger.
he widened his eyes and looked at his arm. blood streamed out of the wound. he turned his head again to look at Vera and she pulled the trigger again. he fell down in the sand. she kept shooting on him untill his whole shirt was red of all the blood.

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