Her apartment

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"Hey (y/n)!" Sarah says as you enter her apartment. "Would you like anything to drink or eat?" She asks. "I'm fine thanks." You say following her to her couch. You both sit down. "Want to watch a movie?" Sarah asks. "Why not!" You say with a smile. You both look through the TV and agree on a scary movie. During the middle of the movie Sarah jumps and links her arm with yours. "What a wimp." You say as both giggle. She intertwined her fingers with yours and lays her head on your shoulder.

Awhile later you wake up and see that you were laying on Sarah's couch. Sarah was nuzzled up on your chest still sleeping. "Sarah." You say quietly while gently getting up. She sits up and looks at you. "What time is it?" She asks smiling. You look at your phone. "It's 5:09." You say looking at her. "Sarah?" You ask nervously. "Yes (y/n)?" She replies. "I think we should finish our talk about that kiss." You say not making eye contacting. "Well do you want it to be something special?" She asks you. "Sarah you're my celebrity crush. I'm still a little shocked I met you. I obviously want it to be something special." You say looking at her. She made eye contact with you. Her eyes were so beautiful and she was so cute especially since she just woke up. She leans in and cups your face. Her lips touch yours and you feel and sensation go through your body. As she pulls away you see her smiling. "Well then it's something special." She says giggling. All of a sudden she jumps up and grabs her purse. "What are you doing?" You ask her. "Well (y/n) now that we can basically say we're something special I'm taking you on a date!" She says with excitement. You smile and jump up. "Alright where are we going?" You ask walking up to her. "I'm taking you to my favorite restaurant." She says grabbing your hand and walking walking out her door. You are so happy and all you can do is smile.

Hi everyone. I know this chapter was short. I'll make the next one longer! Don't forget to share your thoughts. :)

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