Chapter 1

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They are stood behind a black Sedan. The female is hunched over her brown bag; rummaging through it. It feels a little cold outside, partially because It's getting dark, the time being almost six thirty in the evening; but mostly because it's August, the peak of the rainy season in Nigeria and it had rained heavily less than an hour ago. The air is filled with that heavenly scent that graces the earth after rain. This makes Laila think there couldn't have been a more perfect day and time for this.

She finally gets her head out of her bag upon finding what she's been searching for and holds it up to the slightly impatient man standing a short distance away.

"What do you think? Cherry kisses or Lavender touch?" she asks excitement radiating off of her.

"You mean Red or Purple?" he states in a dry tone causing his sister to roll her eyes. He inspects the two shades of lipstick she's holding and mentally shakes his head. There was no other female on this earth that had as much power over him as the doe eyed jittery creature grinning in front of him right now. He wondered if she sometimes forgot he was a twenty three year old man and wasn't the least bit interested in what shoe or veil or lipstick or eye shadow she wore but he knew she was well aware; they were age mates after all; she just didn't care. Yet he'd not rather be in the company of anyone else than his little sister. Well except right now cause at this instant he had to go

"Wear the red" Mukhtar states

"But everyone's seen me in red. It's like classic me"

"Then wear the purple"

"I'm not sure if I look good in purple. I mean I'm a red lip girl" she slightly pouts.

"Why do you ask for advice when you're not going to take it?" he honestly wondered "Lailoo" he sighed. "Wear whatever you want. It's your reunion and after thirteen years I doubt if anyone would be bothered about your shade of lipstick"

She slowly nodded before tossing the purple stick back and uncapping the red then expertly applies it. She rubs her lips together to spread it out and glances at the glass screen of her iPhone as a substitute mirror before tucking both phone and lipstick into the bag then zipping it shut. She stands upright for her brother to inspect her and tell her how she looks; which he's already done ten times this night. He assures her she still looks as great as she did seven minutes ago and pleads to go meet his friends.

"Fine. Go hang out with the same boring group of guys you see every day than reconnect with those you haven't met in years"

He shook his head, maintaining his 'no' before asking "When do I come to pick you up?" he asks

"I should be done by nine thirty" she replies picking up the bag from the hood of the car. "Don't leave me waiting okay?" she points a finger at him to warn him.

"Yes ma'am" he nods which makes Laila nod in approval and give him a little pat on the cheek.

"Good boy" she smiles cheekily at him.

He ignores her action and gets into the car, speeding off. Laila smiles at him as she walks towards the gate of her old primary school. If one didn't know them they'd think she was older than Mukhtar how she bossed him around and he let her. He grumbles about it; but everyone knows how much Mukhtar loves Laila and would do whatever for her anytime. The pair is inseparable and Laila couldn't wish for a better best friend/foster brother/cousin.

Mukhtar's mother who is Laila's paternal aunt passed away after giving birth to her first child; Mukhtar. The fragile being was taken care of by Laila's mother. That was six months before Laila was born. She came into the world and met Mukhtar in their house and only found out the truth much later into their childhood. It didn't matter though; he has always been her brother; always will be.

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