Chapter 14

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Thursday (night)

16 days to the wedding

"So," Laila began as the drive became slower while he looked for a parking spot amongst the numerous cars parked in front of the big hall; the dome. She almost laughed at how just a few days back he was the one who had offended her and was trying to appease her. She remembered how she'd given him a hard time by letting all his attempts at conversation failed. Now she was the one trying to do the appeasing. Trying being the key word, she had made up her mind to speak to him in the car, it wasn't like he could jump out of the window to avoid it, he had to talk to her or at the least listen. Her resolve weakened though the minute she got into the car, she had not been able to utter a word, until now. "Who are we related to?"

He glanced at her briefly, a frown on his face. "I'm confused"

"The bride or groom? We have to pick a side, you can't just be a team-less in a wedding" she explained just as he found a spot and slid in quickly.

He turned off the engine and pulled the keys out of the ignition and they got out. Laila walked around and waited for him to lock the car and join her, to answer her question. When he did and they began walking together, she noticed she was struggling to keep up with him, his strides were longer than hers. He always slowed himself down for her but not tonight. They reached the entrance and went through the security checks, he showed their two invitation cards and as they walked in he stopped and handed her hers.

"You can be on whatever team you want" he said trying to keep the edge out of his voice. "Doesn't matter to me" She picked it up though. As she took the card, he walked away leaving her to fend for herself.

Laila was confused, she felt the urge to slap him yet at the same time run after him, cling unto his leg and refuse to let go until he forgave her. If he was adamant on being upset; why wasn't he letting her apologize? She decided to take a break from feeling guilty, she had spent the whole day drowning in it, now she could at least use the night to have fun. And where better to have fun than in an unfamiliar wedding?

The amount of hot single men in one place is fascinating. She had a whole swarm to pick from she decided as she walked deeper into the hall.

She probably forgot she was engaged


In the thirty minutes he had kept her out of his sight; she had managed to gather a crowd of men around her. To be fair they were only three and they weren't exactly around her, they were all stood together, having a discussion that included about five more females but none of the other five females was a short, dark complexioned girl with a petite frame and a huge mouth. None of them also had that thing about them that made everyone feel comfortable and had eyes that gleamed when they were being a rascal; which happens almost every freaking minute.

She was laughing and having fun and not at all feeling left out in a place of complete strangers. It annoyed him. She wasn't supposed to be comfortable

He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked to the right to find the person who placed it there; the bride's brother. They weren't the best of buds but they had been friends back in secondary school, hence how he got the invites so late.

"How're you enjoying a military man's daughter's wedding?" Imam asked

"Thank you so much really," Yaseer smiled thanking him for the invites.

"You came alone?" he asked and Yaseer shook his head. "You came with your sister then" he said a sly smile beginning to form

Yaseer jokingly punched Imam's arm. "Keep my sister out of this"

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