Chapter 6

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I woke up the next morning and thought about last night. That was one of the best nights of my life, good thing these walls are soundproof or we would have some questions to answer.
I smiled and got up to get a shower before going downstairs for guard duty with my captain. Today is the day Sam comes for some training with us and so we needed to hurry with guard duty.
We done our rounds and got back to the house to see him waiting on the porch. "You ready for this?" I asked him and he nodded. "Always." He said and I got the rest of the team and we went to the training building.
I decided I was going to start Sam out with some of the easier stuff that we had in training for the SEALS because it's also what they done for the Marines for some of the better squads.
"Ok time for some hand to hand combat training." I told him and he nodded. "Watch what me and my captain do and then you can try some of the moves on me." I said and he agreed.
"Ready for this captain?" I asked and he nodded. "Always, now let's begin." He said and we started. "Now you're going to want to place yout feet shoulder-width apart, take a half step forward with the left foot, and turn the hips and shoulders at about a 45-degree angle. Distribute your weight evenly by bending the knees slightly and adjusting your feet in order to maintain your balance. Loosen your fists and bring your hands up to chin level or high enough to protect the head without blocking your vision. Bring your elbows in close to your body to protect your chest and abdomen and tuck your chin down taking advantage of the protection provided by the shoulders." I told him showing him the steps as I stood in the stance I was describing.
We went on to show him some moves and now it's time to see what he learned. "Ok now it's your turn, show me what you learned." I told him and he nodded. "Get into the basic stance and give me your best shot." I said and he did.
After a few hours of training and correcting a few mistakes we all went back up to the house. "You were good." I told Sam. "Really?" He asked and I nodded. "Your dad trained you well." I told him and he smiled.
"So when do you graduate?" I asked him and he told me. "This is my last year, I'm almost 18 and I've kept my grades up so I never failed a class." He said and I nodded.
"I figured it was either this year or next year." I told him and he nodded. We got to the house and Georgia had Lunch ready so I invited Sam to stay and he did.
We finished Lunch and I took Sam back home. "How's your mother been?" I asked him just before we got to his house. "She's better, doesn't have anymore nightmares about dad." He said and I nodded.
"That's good, remember just follow your dream and when you decide between the Marines and the SEALS just go by what you know from each." I told him when we got to his house and he nodded getting out of the jeep.
I drove back to the house and parked the jeep in the driveway. I got inside to see Sarah watching tv and Georgia was reading. The night watch was awake and sitting in the living room and all was good and quiet.
I began to wonder if the terror group would try to carry out their threat. I sat beside Sarah on the couch and asked what she was watching. "Frozen." She said and I nodded. "So you like that movie do you?" I asked her and she nodded.
"I love Olaf, the snowman." She said and I smiled, I bet you do. We sat there and watched movies for a few hours until it was time for supper.
We ate a small supper and went to bed as the night watch was guarding the house. I decided to wrap the rest of the gifts so they would be ready for tomorrow. I finished wrapping the gifts when Georgia let Russell in here and she got in the bed with me. I lay there as she snuggled against me and I wrapped my arms around her.
I fell asleep thinking about my family and our future.
We were at the fair in town and Sarah was with her mother on a ride. I was getting our lunch and then I heard a scream. I looked over to the scream and saw a man and he was trying to take my baby girl. I tried to get to them but something was dragging me down and I couldn't get to them.
I woke up in a cold sweat and looked at the time, almost 5 in the morning, might as well get up and get everything ready for tonight. I got my shower and then took the presents downstairs to put in a little pile.
I told the night watch that they could go on and go to sleep, today we're just going to relax and enjoy Christmas day. I cooked breakfast this morning and when it was finished the team was coming down the stairs. "I didn't know you cooked." Lt. Hart said and I nodded. "Old family recipe for a spice for the eggs and I learned to cook when I was a kid." I said and they nodded.
A few minutes later Georgia and Sarah came down the stairs and I told them to come on in. "I made breakfast for everyone this morning, today everyone gets a break since it's Christmas." I said and everyone nodded. "And whoever wants to go home can, it's been almost a month and we haven't heard a thing from the terrorists so I'm thinking that was an empty threat." I told the team and all but Lt. Hart and Captain Johnson went home.
"Ok then let's just relax today and later Sarah can open the rest of her gifts." I said and they agreed. We finished our breakfast and then went to the living room to watch old Christmas movies for Sarah.
"What do you want to watch first Sarah?" I asked and she told me. "How the grinch stole Christmas." She said and I turned it on for her. Then dad came down the stairs and I told him we saved some breakfast for him.
"Ok who made it?" He asked and I told him. "Me, I used an old family recipe for the spices for the eggs like mom used to make." I said and he nodded and went to get him something to eat.
A few minutes later he came back in the living room and sat with us to watch t.v. and Sarah lay her head on his side. I'm really glad of the relationship between dad and my daughter because it helps keep the family close.
We watched Christmas movies until supper time and I turned the t.v. off and Georgia had supper ready. "Ok time for supper and then Sarah gets to open her gifts." I said and everyone went to get their food.
After we ate I told Sarah to sit on the couch and we would hand her the gifts. "This one is from me." I told her and she opened it and loved what I got her. She always wanted Mockingjay since she had The Hunger Games. Then we went from there and she got about 20 presents total. She got a few things from dad and some from me and Georgia and then another from the team.
"Thank you everyone." She said and we all said "you're welcome." And then I looked at the time.
"Ok it's bedtime so go on up to bed and I'll see you in the morning." I told her and she nodded yawning.
I told everyone goodnight and went on up to bed with Georgia and I went to sleep thinking about how great our Christmas was.

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