Oh My God

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I...cannot...believe I just did that! I kissed Ladybug! What?! I couldn't stop thinking about it. She didn't exactly kiss back but she relaxed into it. So that meant there was hope yet!

I was running toward the center of the city. My house wasn't too far from there. This was my "evil" scheme:

1) Get her distracted.
2) Get Ladybug's yo-yo so she couldn't fight me, of course say an Akuma came I would return it.
3) Get her to chase me/use her lucky charm. Then her five minutes would run out and I could see who she was...ingenious!

I was passing the Highschool I attend (Sorry forget the name), then suddenly halt. A staff like mine but red and spotted extends in front of me, I looked up and saw my love coming down. I flung the yo-yo into some bushes as I dodged her attack. She apparently wasn't too bad with a staff over a yo-yo...

"Chat!" She yelled not angry, more like annoyed. She tried to swat at me with the staff. "Where's my yo-yo you stupid cat?" I was dodging her, wearing her out. I heard the familiar beep-beep of her earrings alerting us that she had four minutes left until the transformation wore off. "Chat Noir seriously! Give me my yo-yo back...." She was running both out of patience and time. I smirked.

"No way My Lady," I shouted to her. Beep-beep! Her face wore pure shock. I think she figured meow-t. Oh well, too late. "Looks like you figured it out Ladybug," I say smiling. "You've caught me red pawed."

She frowned at my pun. But then charged. I tripped her with my tail but then caught her and scooped her up. I had her bridle style in my arms. My eyes devouring her beauty. Beep-beep!

He gazed at me. The hunger in his eyes was prominent. This cat needed to chill. It's one thing to make fun of me and flirt and make the worst chat puns ever. It's another to trick me so I would use my power so he could see my identity. That's not cool.

This chat was going to be the death of me, I swear. Chat leaned in and I heard my earrings beep. I had two minutes left. Gotta think, gotta think! A light bulb clicked on in my head. I had it!

"Chaaaat," I said stretching out his name. It caught his attention and he smiled. I indicated with my index finger for him to come closer. I bit my bottom lip and smiled. Chat's ears twitched and he swallowed. He came in for a kiss and then...

BAM! I headbutted him hard. He was taken aback by my sudden move and stumbled, releasing me. I kicked him aside and stole his staff. Two can play at this game, I thought. Beep-beep! Oh no! One minute! I quickly took off while he was down. I am much faster as Ladybug and was running home, to the bakery.

I was halfway there. I looked behind me, he wasn't there thank goodness. I got to the bakery as my earrings beeped one last time. Beep-beep!

I hid behind the building and my Ladybug costume sparkled. My spots and mask disappearing. They were replaced by my normal clothes. I was no longer my alter ego, Ladybug, I was just Marinette once more. Tikki flew out of my right earring.

"Hey Tikki." I said monotone. I was upset and disappointed. I was frustrated and mad at myself. I had lost my yo-yo. " Tikki I'm so sorry, what are we going to do?"

"First," She said shivering,"let's get inside." I nodded and held her in my hands. "Then maybe have some cookies." She giggled.

It was hard not to smile at that. "Ok Tikki, Ok."

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