Two Dorks, One Snapshot

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Before y'all read, I want to warn any innocent readers XD if there are any. There will be a heated situation but not a true lemon. However some people get uncomfortable, so I am just cautioning you so you don't blame me later ;)
The rest of you enjoy!

*3rd person*

Marinette awoke on something firm. She lifted her groggy head slowly and then blushed furiously. Her eyes fell upon a sleeping, blonde prince. She layed on his chest, his arms on the small of her back. His body was so comfortable and warm.

Under her belly, through his shirt, she felt his solid abs. They were very defined, she could feel every detail. She swallowed nervously, Should I get off?

Marinette slowly tried to slide off of him, and slowly shimmied down his body. Her error in this however, was that she slid down, not sideways...

Adrien groaned in his slumber. He fidgeted. She gasped suddenly, for two reasons.

One, as she slid down she felt a prominent new sensation near her thigh. And two, Adrien's hold on her had unexpectedly tightened. He moaned again. Sh*t!

"...Mmm...ette..." at his gruff morning voice, her face flushed and its temperature rose. She was conflicted, what am I going to do?!

Marinette tried to unhook his hands from her back. Her shoulder muscles were still very sore as they recovered though. She couldn't quite reach his fingers. She collapsed from the effort and layed her cheek on his bare stomach. Marinette huffed as she tried to figure out how to get out of this situation.

Adrien was in deep sleep. He moved a bit, causing Marinette's waist to fall in between his legs and crotch. She squeaked slightly at the sudden shift. She reflexively gripped his waist and threw face into his stomach to avoid falling. Marinette now clung to him, inches from the edge of the bed. This just went from bad to worse in like 0.5 seconds...why me?! She cursed her bad luck. It was as though the bad luck from her feline companion had somehow rubbed off on her...perhaps from sleeping beside him last night.

Mari laughed at the thought. Her giggles bouncing of Adrien's soft, but ripped stomach. Adrien mumbled in his sleep.

"...Mmm...Mar...tte..." Adrien's left hand went to his pillow and clutched it. His right stayed on her. She couldn't help squirming as she felt him on her stomach now, since the shift moved her. She wasn't comfortable pushing it away, she was afraid to touch it. The joy in him was heavily noted by her and she trembled.

"...ok then," she said to herself, " I'm just gonna have to fall on the floor..." Her plan was to fall, to escape and then wake him up. Good plan, right?

Marinette saw another pillow, nearby on the floor. She aimed to fall on it. As soon as she was sure she would land on it, she released her hold on Adrien's body. Her hands cooperated fine, her legs however...

Marinette yelped as she suddenly took Adrien down with her! Too late, mid-fall, she realized her legs were entangled with his.

Her back barely missing the pillow. Through Adrien's shirt, she felt how icy the tile floor was. It was brief, then she was suddenly flattened.

His body collided with hers. Her back smacked the ground and she grunted. His forehead bumped against her left shoulder. He was much larger than her, he out framed her completely. His hard chest pressed against her small breasts. His stomach was flat on hers. His manhood, you can guess where...

As she felt his near hers, she bit her lip. Omigod, Omigod, Omigod! Her breaths became eratic with panic. He somehow stayed asleep, but Adrien could still feel this. He wriggled on top of her and she bit back a shriek. He gripped her sides. Adrien was surprisingly sexual in sleep...

Marinette tried to push him away. However, her arms muscles were still weak. Her limbs trembled as she tried to force him off. It wasn't working however and she cursed.

"Ugh! F*ck!" Marinette hardly ever cursed, it was rare, unless she was pissed.

"...mmmm....?" Marinette's heart stopped as Adrien stirred. At first he was confused, but as he came to realize that he was on the floor, on someone, he stiffened.

"...uh..." Marinette didn't know how to explain the situation.

"...M-M-Marinette...?" Adrien tried to swallow, but it stuck in his throat. He felt all of her body and began to nervously sweat. Their shared temperature was fairly high. He slowly lifted his head. Adrien looked into Marinette's sky blue eyes.

She looked so scared and fragile. Marinette was hiding the fact that she wanted to cry. She said nothing, just pursed her lips.

"....uh..." Adrien didn't know what to think. "...wait! Did we...I and...what?" Both of them were so engulfed in each other's stares, that neither one heard the door open.

"...oh my god...!" The unnoticed visitor whispered. She quickly took out her phone and snapped a quick picture. Sadly, she had forgotten to take the sound off.

Click, click.

Adrien and Marinette turn to the door and open their mouths in shock. "Shoot!" The person quickly closes the door and flees.

The dorks on the floor quickly rise and rush after the culprit. "Alya!!!" Marinette fumes down the hall.

"This is sooo going in the scrapbook!" Alya chuckles and waves it in the air.

"Alya nooo!" Adrien cries out.

The two chase her through the hospital but don't catch her before she finally sends the picture to her computer at home.

A few hours later, however there is good news. Marinette is examined one last time and then given the A-OK. At last they were checking out of the hospital!

Ello world! So short and intense chapter to quench ur thirst for more XD

This chapter is specially made for
Wolf-Marks (hope u like the "surprise" hahaha)

PS: if u haven't already, check out my drawings book of fanart. Only one so far but more on the way!

That's all for now :)
Bye bye!
~MC ♡

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