Author's Note :)

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Bonjour my fellow miraculers! So no sorry, this isn't a Chapter. I know, *tears* :(

It's just a note about my writing style. If you don't care that's cool. But for those who care:

You've probably noticed that a few times there are words in my story that you don't know. (Unless you do, in which case, good for you!)

Well I love the French and I love their language! ♡ I'm taking it in school and I adore it! J'aime le français! ;)

Idk...just like heads up haha. Like for example :

~Désolé = sorry
~Bonjour = hello/good day
~Merci = thank you
~Mademoiselle = miss/ (unmarried) young lady
~Chouquette aux Marrons = (aka Nino's favorite treat (idk if it's true) ) the picture above. Yummy.
~(Chef) Maçon = French version of Mason
~Ami (dude friend) Amie (girl friend)
~Chaton = Kitten
~Au revoir = Good bye

So yeah stuff like that :) idk I just thought u guys might want to know so yeah :D

This section can be for questions/feedback too so if u want leave a comment, don't be bashful ;)

Well, à bientôt mes amis!
(Good bye/see you later/soon my friends)

And don't worry I'm already writing the next chapter. I will update 2/5/16 @ 7:30pm usa time :)

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