Childish Innocence

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Adalyn, Alya, and I arrived at the park half an hour later. We decided since it was nice out and we were going to the park, which is outside, we would walk. As we walked, Alya and I talked about possible dress designs. I sketched out a few nice ones in my design ideas sketchbook.

When we arrived, Adalyn ran straight to the merry-go-round. Alya and I sat at a bench and kept on eye on her as we discussed dress ideas. Alya insisted I wear red because, one it was my favorite color, and two "it looked really good on me", her words not mine.

I insisted that she wear purple since it complimented her eyes. Alya agreed and called me a genius. I laughed and then looked out to where Adalyn had gone.

I spotted her in the sandbox with three little boys and another little girl. The four children conversed together. I smiled and thought of the young Alya and myself.

Alya looked in the same direction and then at me. I don't know how she does it but, Alya somehow always manages to think what I am thinking. She smiled wide at me.

"Remember when we were kids? The day we first met?"

"Of course I do Alya! I will never forget that day." I had been eight and Alya had been nine, she was a month older than me.

We said together, "March 7, 2008." And laughed remembering the day.

*warning ;) cute flashback*

"...mine, give it back!"

"No way shrimp! Jump for it!"

"Please! Give it back please!" (Young) Marinette jumped up in frustration trying to reach her notebook.

Two older boys towered over her and threw it to one another. This notebook was special to her. Marinette had never been good at expressing her emotions aloud, instead she wrote them down as poetry or drew out her anxieties and fears, all her emotions were contained in that journal.

"Hey you!" Another young girl's voice was heard. Marinette and the bullies looked her way. Not far off, a little girl with reddish brown hair and tan skin stood. She didn't tremble or shake. This young girl stood her ground and stared the meanies straight in the eyes.

"Oh look Dash, another shrimp," the first boy said to his companion.

"Hehe, yeah Mark," the second boy, Dash responded. His left hand tightened into a ball and he patted it into his right hand repeatedly.

"Hey stay out of it kid!" Mark spat. He stomped over to the brave girl. Her hazel eyes meeting his dark blue ones the entire time. He was close now. She looked up at him as he glared down at her.

Marinette watched in horror. She knew these boys. They were the meanest bullies on the playground. She gulped as she waited to see the the newcomer become purée by Mark's hand.

The girl didn't look scared at all. She and Mark held their staring contest for what seemed an eternity. Marinette gasped as she saw the girl's eyes clearly now. In them flashed confidence, and Marinette felt scared herself. Never had she seen such ferocity in a someone's eyes.

It was like a flame, in the girl's brown-green eyes, there was a light that didn't die. Though the eye color didn't match, it didn't matter, her eyes were embers, embers of hope and loyalty. They must have been bright embers, because Mark blinked first.

He growled in anger and lunged at the yet unnamed girl. This girl was quick, she dove under his legs and was now behind him. Moments passed as Mark tried to figure out what had happened. The girl took advantage of this. She kicked the big boy in the butt. Mark toppled forward, falling on his face he got a mouthful of grass and dirt.

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