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"You're invited to a friend's house for an important holiday dinner.  You find a roach in your food.  What do you say?"

            He leapt back from the table, coughing madly, a slightly crazed look in his electric blue eyes.  He threw his bowel of soup across the room, making it crash against the wall and the white porcelain crack and break into tiny pieces, its contents splattering on the green wallpaper, brown broth and chunks of meat--among other things--making a great big mess.

            “What the hell?” he yelled at his friend’s family, making his friend’s little sister, no older than five begin crying, her twin pigtails shaking as she bawled, soiling her festive dress when she dropped her spoon.

            “What the hell is the meaning of this?” he yelled, making his friend jump up and nearly loose his glasses.

            The boy who had thrown the bowel across the room pointed at the remains of his bowl, form which crawled an insect, despised by most people.

            A cockroach, its black antennae twitching as it scurried across the floor.

            The woman, his friend’s mother grinned an inhumanly broad smile.

            “I put it there,” she said with a steady voice.



just a little prompt i did a week or so ago, i finally got to uploading it xD  i dunno what happened here.... but it sure got my creative juices flowing :D

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