Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 - Ruby catches a Pokemon

An entire two days had passed since my agreement to run away with Ruby to start our journey and since then we had formed somewhat of a plan. We had together scrounged up what money we had and bought the necessities we would need when traveling. I also... Borrowed an empty Pokéball from my brother which Ruby would use to catch a Pokémon for the beginning of our travels, until we got actual starters. Our first goal was to reach Sandgem Town where we would get our Trainer ID's, hopefully before getting caught and dragged back home.

We had agreed to wait until we were absolutely sure both our parents were asleep before sneaking out and waiting by the river for the other. It would be harder for Ruby since she doesn't have an available window to climb out of, meaning she had to sneak down stairs and out the ground door where as I had a tree right outside mine to climb down. Many thoughts zipped in and out of my head as I lay in bed, watching my digital Shaymin alarm clock for the last digit to change. I swore I wouldn't move from the covers until at least 11. Christen always disappeared after 8 and my parents never stayed up past 10. The extra hour was just precaution.

Bree and Bloom both slept in their basket by the bed, snoring softly despite the fact that the clock was about to tick over...

A shallow beep signalled the changing of the hour. It was now or never. I took a deep breath in, sitting up straight. My bed creaked slightly from the movement but I doubt anyone downstairs heard me, Bree and Bloom however looked up with curious eyes, their sharper hearing catching on with the disturbance in the silence. Shushing them by putting a finger to me lips, I grabbed their Pokéballs from the bed side table. I'd gone to bed dressed in a set of comfy clothes to travel in.

A set of black tights that reached my ankles and a dark blue-grey short skirt were both suited for chilly and warm weather while a long sleeved white t-shirt with black stripes sleeves set under a loose light blue short sleeved shirt completed my upper half. A pair of grey, ankle high boots were waiting under my bed with a pair of white socks that wouldn't be seen with the outfit. My grey backpack also waited under the bed, holding my share of the supplies Ruby and I had bought in secret.

I'd left the window open when I went to bed meaning I wouldn't have to worry about making noise when sneaking out it. I slipped on my socks and boots, trying to avoid second guessing my choice.

Are you really doing this Phoebe? I asked myself. You could get in so much trouble.

Beats staying here for the rest of my life.

I returned Bree and Bloom, stuffing their Pokéballs into the side pocket of my bag before climbing onto the windowsill. The climb down the tree was nothing to me, I'd done it thousands of times before. Even when my room was still down stairs before the conversion it had to Christian's trophy room the large tree was by my window providing the perfect escape from the two story house.

Swinging my bag into my back, I took hold of the branches, swiftly moving from one to the next with ease until I'd made my way to the ground.

For the last time in who knows how long, I stared up at my bedroom window before I turned my back in my home and snuck down the abandoned streets of Jubalife City to the river where Rue and I skip stones. She was late, as usual but I'd planned for this a head of time.

The sun was coming up by the time Ruby appeared, jumping off the high ledge and landing on her feet.

"I'm here!"

Rolling my eyes I ran to catch up with her. "What took you so long?"

Ruby dumped her bag on the ground, hunched over panting. "Mum was up late, I couldn't get out of the house."

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