1. The End is Nigh

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Hi and welcome to my first attempt at a fan fiction. This story focuses on the life of Fred Weasley and his friends after the Hogwarts Battle. I’m thinking for most of the story it will be set in Hogwarts castle, so I will try and include some of the more popular characters. Don’t be shy and tell me how you find my story; I take critism okay i think. Well enough about this and enjoy the story :)!

**Characters belong to JK Rowling.

Chapter 1

Taking in my surroundings, it felt very odd to return back to Hogwarts. It’s been a while since I have even stepped foot in Hogwarts ground. Looking back on my life so far, leaving with my twin brother George was definitely one of the best things we have ever done in our lives. And yet, when we arrived here an hour or two ago, a few emotions coursed through me. Happiness of returning to the place where some of my fondest memories lay, excitement of seeing all my friends and people we grew up with, and fear of what just lay over the bridge. We all knew this day would come, the day Voldemort would return and Harry Potter would have to fight for his life. He is just soooo lucky he has such amazingly talented wizard friends like us Weasley's.

The Great Hall that was once filled with students chatting and generally having a great time was now missing that childly innocence. It had been replaced with fear, everyone could sense it. I glanced at my mother, I could tell she was trying to be strong but even I could see she had fear in her eyes. George, who was sitting right beside me in our familiar seats we used to sit at every meal during our years at Hogwarts, noticed my glance to mum and gave me a quick smile. Knowing each other well certainly had its advantages, with this smile it told me 'it's okay Freddie, i know everyone is panicking, but i know we will be ok. We need to stay strong for our family.' My whole family was practically sitting around the Gryffindor table, mum, dad, George, Ginny, and even members of the Order of the Phoenix. I saw Harry enter the Great Hall and Professor McGonagall jump in shock that he had actually come back to Hogwarts. Anyone who knew Harry well enough would know that if Voldemort was to start a wizarding war, Harry would be there. All of a sudden this voice echoed through the Great Hall, it was a dark, clear voice.

"I know you are preparing to fight." said the calm yet creepy voice. A few students nearby screamed and as I turned to see who it was, it was some younger students who were now clutching onto each other in terror.

"You're efforts are futile. You cannot fight me. I do not want to kill you." continued the voice. “I have great respect for the teachers of Hogwarts. I do not want to spill magical blood.

As silence coursed through the hall, it was at this point I realised whose voice it was. Voldemort's.

"Give me Harry Potter and none shall be harmed. You have until midnight" Voldemort's voice sang out.

Silence once again possessed every head in the Great Hall, and I watched as every person sitting at a house table slowly turned their head towards Harry, who was now standing quite close to the Gryffindor table.

I heard one voice say "But he's there! Potters there! Someone grab him" It was Pansy Parkinson, of course. What a bitch!

I stood up in front of Harry, showing that there was no way in hell anyone was turning Harry in. My family along with the rest of the Gryffindor’s stood along side us. Soon even the Hufflepuff table and the Ravenclaw's joined, and all was left was the Slytherin's.

McGonagall cried out, "Thank you Miss Parkinson, you will leave the Hall first with Mr Filch. If the rest of your house could follow." As the Slytherin’s left the Great Hall, a number of other students from all the houses left at the same time, as McGonagall had said previously that underage students had to evacuate from Hogwarts. Hogwarts wasn't safe anymore for the younger students.

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