4. Platform 9 3/4

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That night I tossed and I turned as I tried my hardest to fall asleep yet my brain would not switch off. My memories of my last visit to Hogwarts stalked my mind, along with my nerves of seeing Brooke again – if she did go back to Hogwarts that is. A part of me secretly ached to go back to Hogwarts, and free myself of all this adult decisions, to become young and free again. You know what they say school is the best years of your life. It was totally true, being an adult sucked.

I glimpsed at my alarm clock that sat just beside my bed, it was only 4 o’clock and I had barely had 3 hours sleep so far. I returned to my tossing and turning, tried to count some gnomes in my head. I even resulted to reading an old school book, Hogwarts, A History. Surely, that would help me doze off.

Learning about the history of Hogwarts I could feel that my brain cells was switching off one by one, I would totally regret not sleeping in the morning. I could turn into such a moody person when I didn’t get my beauty sleep.

Sometime between the founding member’s chapter and the rooms of Hogwarts chapter, I must have eventually fallen asleep, as next thing, I knew I heard deafening screech.

“FRED! Ron needs to leave, NOW!”

 In a panic I had accidently fallen off my bed, I rubbed my back where I had hurt myself and pulled on some grey joggers and green t-shirt I found on the floor. Suddenly I remembered that I could possibly see Brooke. Shit. I can’t believe I slept in!

“Two minutes!” I responded, rushing to the bathroom to give my teeth a good clean.

 Truthfully, I don’t remember a time where I have gotten ready in 2 minutes, but this morning was definitely a first. Grabbing my wand, I apparated down to the kitchen, this made a large Pop sound.

Mother turned to me, “Fred. How many times have I told you?”I sighed she really hated it when George or myself apparated but at times like this apparition came in handy.

“Come on Ron” I said as I ushered him out the house whilst picking up some of his luggage, “Time for school”.

Ron looked just as sleepy as I had just a mere few minutes ago; to be frank he looked terrible. Taking a hold of me, he grunted, “Let’s go.”

With another Pop, we were at the train station with our hands full of cases as muggles bumped past us. Scurrying to Platform 9 3/4, I glanced at my watch, the train would be leaving in 5 minutes, this didn’t give me a long time to find and speak to Brooke. I searched around in my head trying to find an explanation as to why I was so desperate to see Brooke. Reuniting with Brooke during the Wizarding War brought back many memories, our pranks together, skipping classes to sneak into Zonko’s Joke Shop, and even the Yule Tide Ball.

 As we burst through Platform 9, ¾ we emerged in front of the Hogwarts Express, just as beautiful as I remembered. The hustle and bustle of the busy platform was filled once again with the sound of children laughing and chatting. I spotted a few familiar faces mixed in with the crowd; there was Neville Longbottom, Seamus Finnigen, and not too many more.

 Out of the big crowd emerged Harry Potter and Hermione Granger. Their faces alight with glee that their best friend, my Ronald, was returning for another year with them.

“Heya mates,” I said as they starting approaching us, “Glad to be going back?”

Harry looked over to me, “I’m not too sure now. I thought this may be a fun year for all of us. But it turns out Draco Malfoy is returning as well.”

“Oh great.” Ron grumbled, putting his hands in his pockets and looking towards the floor.

Hermione closed the distance between Ron and herself, and gently took his right hand out his pocket and intertwined their fingers. Blood started to rush to Ron’s face as he had started blushing.

Hermione took no notice of this and replied as if nothing had happened, “I really don’t think Draco will be much of a bully this year. None of his friends are returning he’ll be the only Slytherin returning this year.”

Now that Hermione mentioned this I actually hadn’t seen anyone from Slytherin – not that I recognised. I twisted around trying to see if I could see any Slytherins when my feet lost its balance and knocked into someone.

“Oof” said the sweet voice.

“I’m so sorry!” I pleaded as I tried to twirl the person I bumped into so I could apologise to who it was. Her soft brown hair was wavy and covered her face so I could not see who it was. She moved the hair out of her familiar blue eyes.

“Brooke” I whispered. I examined her very carefully; there was something different about her. She wore some tight jeans and a red hoody – how patriotic for Gryffindor! Her hairs swept across her eyes, making them sparkle and stand out. Studying her, my eyes gazed down, whoa, now I know why she looked different.

Her once flat chest had developed quite a lot over the summer. Sensing that she could tell I was staring at her private area I looked into her eyes apologetically.

“Sorry Brooke, I didn’t see it was you.”

 “It’s ok Fred,” her soft voice sifted through my ears, I could never tire of her voice. “I didn’t see you either which is weird, since you are as tall as a giant!” She teased.

My Cheshire cat smile returned as I put my hands on my hips, acting all God like. Sadness seemed to overcome Brooke as I could see little teardrops forming in her perfect blue eyes.

 “I just can’t believe you’re here.” She sniffled. I wrapped my arms protectively around her pulling her into a hug.

“Hey, shhh! Its okay” I said trying to calm her down.

Subconsciously my hand reached out and caressed her long wavy hair; the smell of mangos filled the air. I will never understand how a girl’s hair always smells so good.

 “I feel so stupid” she explained, “I don’t know why I’m still like this. I just couldn’t stand the thought that you were...Could have been…”

 Shaking my head and pulling her closer to me I said “Don’t be silly. I am the one and only Fred Weasley. No measly Death eater could defeat me!”

 Brooke pulled away from my embrace and looked deep into my eyes, “I’m sorry” she said softly.

“You need to stop apologising Miss Adams.” I said as I pulled my face down to her level to wipe away some of the stray tears that had dripped away. I looked deeply into her eyes as she did the same to mine.

It felt as if I could see deep into her soul, it was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. The little molecules between us seemed to be bouncing off each other – the chemistry was immense. Brooke was the first one to break the contact between us. As she shook her head her hair swayed, it reminded me of a Caribbean beach breeze gently blowing.

Colour seemed to return to her face as her cheeks turned slightly pink.

“Sorry” she said through her giggling.

 “It’s nice to see you smiling again, Brooke Adams.” I said as we stood for another moment – I really didn’t want this moment to end.

The Hogwarts Express train puffed some air out getting ready to leave, as Brooke said quite loudly to be heard over the noises “I’m really glad your okay Fred. It was really nice seeing you.” She picked up her luggage that she had dropped when I bumped into her, and she pulled me into a one armed embrace before she rushed off to the train.

 I watched as she struggled onto the train, thankfully a younger student was standing nearby and he helped her on board. I inspected every window on board to see if I could see her compartment so I could give her a final wave in case I never saw her again.

 I could feel someone watching me from behind, so I turned around and found Ron, Harry and Hermione staring at me. When my eyes met Ron’s he didn’t even flinch, he just continued to stare.

“RON! Get on the train you git! You’re all gonna miss it!” I screamed. The trio snapped out of their daydream and looked at one another before rushing towards the train. What a bloody idiot he is.

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