2. Decisions, Decisions, Decisions....

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I gazed at my brother Percy, who was standing hardly even a metre away from me standing with his wand ready to duel. I glanced in front of me; two Death Eaters had come out of nowhere. I quickly prepared myself, for some reason I could feel a dark gloom hover over me. All around me I could see lights flashing before my very eyes.

"Hello, Minister!" I heard my brother Percy shouting. I turned my eyes to where he was looking, I witnessed a neat jinx my brother had sent heading straight at Thickness’. "Did i mention I'm resigning?"

I laughed at my brother, " you're joking, Perce!" The Death Eaters I was facing collapsed under the weight of my three separate Stunning Spells. I took a glance at my brother, so proud that through all the tough times me and my twin brother George gave him (i never said we was the perfect brothers!!) he would end up here, at the Battle of Hogwarts, by my side fighting with me, not against me.

Percy gave me a smile that showed he felt the same, as if he had read my mind. "You actually are joking, Perce... I don't think I've heard you joke since you were -"

My train of thoughts was suddenly crashed into. That's when it happened. It all happened in slow motion. First the ground beneath my feet seemed to disappear. I closed my eyes, afraid if I opened them what i might see. My whole body felt like it had turned into something soft, like candyfloss and I swear I could even feel gravity playing me. I tried to listen to see if i could hear anything. I could hear a faint screaming from far away. And oddly enough, there was not one inch of me that was in pain.

I opened my eyes.

I took in my surroundings very carefully. I was on a white, hard, cool floor, the walls were immaculately white. Where was I??

"Come on Fred." I said to myself out loud, trying to find the physical strength to sit up.

"Need a hand?" i heard a familiar voice say. I searched frantically looking for the source of the voice. I knew deep down who it was, but I tried my very hardest to think it was just impossible.

At last my eyes connected with a scruffy man, wearing a brown suit jacket and a beige shirt with matching trousers and brown shiny shoes. His arm was reaching out to help me up, his strength amazed me as he pulled me up I almost fell forward onto him and his partner who I didn't notice behind him.

"Thank you, Professor Lupin." I said looking at my old professor.

"Anytime George, my boy", Professor Lupin said. I could see Tonks behind him smirking, as she realised his mistake I was Fred, not George.

"It's Fred actually Lupin, but that’s okay." I smiled at him. "You wouldn't know by any chance...where we are exactly?"

I looked at both their expressions change from what was peaceful appearance on their faces, into an expression I could only describe as sadness and heartache.

Tonks came out from behind Lupin gingerly walking over to me. She looked heartfelt and caring to me, her bright pink hair sitting just perfectly flicked out her face. "Fred. I’m sorry to have to tell you this. But you are with us. On the other side."

"You mean...IM DEAD?" I didn't mean to raise my voice at either of them. But this was a shock?! How could I be dead?

What about my family? What about George? That last thought brought a tear to my eye as I realised I would never pull another prank, or finish each others sentences. And what about Brooke? Earlier I tried to convince myself that what I felt towards Brooke was nothing but friendship. But frankly, now being almost dead I would do anything to have just one minute alone with her. Lupin broke me from my thoughts.

"I'm sorry. But Fred this is when it gets tough." Lupin came over and placed both his hands on my shoulders. "You are not physically dead yet. You still have a few minutes left to make your decision. Right now you are stuck in the middle, to go back, or to pass on"

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