7. Time To Move On?

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The wind ruffled my hair as I walked past all the shops in Diagon Alley, as it was still quite early there wasn’t a lot of people going by. Approaching my favourite coffee shop I could make out a tall slim woman with poker straight black hair who was sitting outside glimpsing at her watch.

“Anna?” I asked with a hint of uneasiness in my voice.

“Yes. Fred Weasley I gather” she said as she shook my hand. “It’s nice to meet you. I hope you dot mind I was quite chilly and ordered myself a coffee.”

“Not at all, I just had some before I left.” I replied.

“Well let’s get down to business. You said on the phone you were interested in buying my property?” she enquired.

“Yeah, you know what I’m not really one for all this business, seriousness stuff. “I said half jokingly and half serious. I stood up and held out my hand, “Come on, Princess let’s do something.”

She studied my hand for a little while; I don’t know why I don’t have a disease! Reluctantly she took my hand as I dragged her to the Ice Cream shop not far from here. As we walked to get our ice cream, I noticed how long her legs were especially with those high heels she wore.  For being a business woman she was very young, possibly my age with a stunning figure and a pretty face, I was quite surprised.

“The usual” I stated to Billy who worked the Ice Cream Story, “put it on my tab”.

Anna crossed her eyebrows confused at what I had just said. “It’s alright love, I’m a regular” I said with glee. Anna chuckled; at least she has got a hang of my sense of humour now.  As Billy handed over two cones of Mint Choc Chip ice cream she laughed, “I don’t think I have ever had ice cream before 11 in the morning before. “

“I have it for Breakfast, Lunch and sometimes Dinner too!” I said in all good humour.

I could sense that Anna was a bit nervous eating in front of me, as she was strategically licking her cone. I observed her for a moment until I couldn’t hold in my chortles any longer. Anna paused and gawped at me, I lifted my finger to wipe away the splodge of ice cream she had somehow managed to get on her nose.

Her face turned beetroot as she said, “Thanks Fred,” avoiding my gaze at all costs.

We continued to walk in an awkward silence past all the shops that were now picking up a lot more customers. On finishing her cone Anna turned to me, “So Mr Weasley, are you seriously going to take up on the offer?”

I contemplated this for a few minutes, trying my hardest to tease her. ”Hmmm….Of course!” I exclaimed.

“Good. Here’s my address” she said as she pulled out a little card with Anna Kingsley, Solicitor on it with her address. “And you can owl me when you are ready to sign the documents, and then it can be yours.”

“Thank you Anna, it was a pleasure meeting you” I thanked her.

“Anytime, and by the way Fred,” she uttered, “Don’t be afraid to Owl me, anytime.” She gave me a quick cheeky wink before apparating away. What a woman! I continued down the street as I passed lots of young people, what were all these young students doing here? I halted abruptly in the street creating a mini traffic jam with people, my head flashed in many directions – Brooke may be here. Every face I saw I stared at intently, trying my hardest to find her, but alas I had no luck. I continued to walk to Wheezes feeling crushed, and opened the door with frustration causing a few customers to jump. George dashed swiftly over to my dramatic entrance, “Well? How did it go?” he questioned me.

I explained to him how I wasn’t comfortable having a business meeting with such a pretty woman so I ended up taking her for ice cream, and her whole ice cream on her nose situation and finally ending in my getting her address…

“YOU’VE PULLED!” my fellow red head twin bellowed! “You should totally go for it! I have heard of her before and she is somewhat attractive”

“I dunno George, “I said dubiously. I had fun with Anna today, there is no doubt about that but somewhere deep in my mind I knew damn well I would never really get over Brooke.

“Is there someone else?” he teased.

“Don’t be stupid!” I said as I hit him on the shoulder. Just then Elaine tottered over with a letter in her hand.

“Hey Fred,” she whispered in a seductive tone, what was it with these girls today! “You’re owl dropped of a letter a few moments ago.” And with that she turned around and began sashaying down the aisle.

George mocked me, “Oh Fred, you gorgeous devil you!” Again I thumped him on the shoulder as I began to read the letter…


Hope all is well with you and George and that the shop is doing well. You see the thing is, I have been hanging around with Brooke a lot and I think you like her but the thing is, she’s my girlfriend now. HAHA only kidding, wish I could see your face right now! But seriously I know you like her and that you have liked her for a while. So I am writing to warn you that you need to get your act together. I have been watching, not stalking her and I have noticed that she is getting closer to Malfoy. I have tried to talk to her about him but she won’t budge, they used to be childhood friends of something. So if I were you I would definitely step up my game. Tell mum we are al fine and for her to stop sending a letter every day it’s getting quite annoying.


As I read my letter from Ron I could feel the anger inside me bursting to come out, how dare Malfoy try and steal my girl! Well, she’s not really mine, yet. But ohhh he made my blood boil! I guess George must have seen my expression as he asked, “What’s your love letter about, then? Let me read it!”

I ripped up the letter as fast as I could, “NO! It was from Ron, he says hi” I lied.

George put his hands on his hips, “Humph. Ron made you THAT angry did he?”

“Yeah, he was complaining about mother sending him a gazillion letters. I don’t know what his problem is” I elaborated. George looked at me obviously he was unconvinced by my statements, but he began to walk off slowly and whispered, “I’m going to go finish stock taking…”

Oh Merlin! What is wrong with me? I can’t believe I was so angry at Malfoy, and how stupid I am acting. Brooke has definitely gotten under my skin; I should maybe owl Anna and try to keep my mind of Brooke. But leaving Brooke with Malfoy was very dangerous not only to her but to me. Even the thought of her holding Malfoy close to her made me livid. But there is nothing to be jealous about. Is there?


WOO! Two chapters in one day that is good for me ha! But i do apologise as this is now nearly 1 in the morning and this chapter is definetly not my best and is quite short i think and i know i can do so much better, but i just felt like i owe it to you guys to upload more often so i will try my hardest!

And also i have decided to do a competition! So basically it is reaaal easy, all you have to do is make a banner or a video or a one shot on anything creatively but preferably fanfiction of fred/harry potter since that is what my story is about!

So prizes:

1. Character of your choice/making and you can choose who you want to pair him or her up with (AKA if you made a character called Bella and decided you wanted Draco to have her, etc.)

2. You will get some inside information of what wil be coming up in future chapters and you can help change some ideas and input your own OR dedication to a chapter of your choice plus i will read and comment any stories you have written

Sorry it only has 2 prizes but im scared incase not alot of people are reading this - so tell all your friends :) and closing date im thinking will be 1 October but if not alot of people are entering then it may be postponed. SO enjoy :) and all entries you can private message me to hand it in. Good luck :)

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