8. Problems in Honeydukes

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Brooke’s POV

As I sat in the Gryffindor common room waiting for everyone to meet up for breakfast my heart was racing, which seemed to be a common thing nowadays. Today was so exciting; it was our first trip to Hogsmede. I know we’ve been before but it seems like such a long time since we came back from our summer. I could hear Luna just barely singing to herself outside our Common room waiting for us to meet up. I looked at my watch; if we didn’t hurry then all the good bargains would be gone!

“Hermione!! Are you nearly ready?” I beckoned her. I heard a thump, crash then groan followed by a timid voice, “Nearly...”

Gosh that girl. Being one of my best friends I have to love her, but honestly she could be so slow and clumsy when she’s half asleep. Two minutes later she emerged with her hair tied up scruffily, a hoody and a pair of jeans hanging of her, with a tired face painted on.

“OH Herms, you look dashing!” I commented on her style of clothing. Her tired eyes locked onto mine as she gave a fake smile. “Come on, Luna is waiting outside, we need to hurry I heard her singing earlier.” As we neared the Fat Lady’s Painting I could no longer hear Luna singing.

“I thought you said you heard her sing? I don’t hear anything!”  Stated Hermione.  The Painting then creaked open slowly, allowing us to see why Luna was so quiet…

The scene that lay ahead of us is not one that would expect, especially if you knew Luna like I do. Her blonde wavy hair that cascaded down her back hid the guy she was at present, wrapped around. His hands were roaming across her back and lower whilst she slid her body tighter against his.  His fingers slid under the straps of her blue sundress...

“LUNA!” Screamed Hermione as she closed her eyes as tight as she could. Luna whizzed around, revealing a scared looking boy from the year below, Justin something. Luna just glanced between Hermione and myself, and a sly smile appeared on her pale face.

“What’s wrong? I was just checking on Justin, I have heard rumours that there are pixies that embed inside you’re...” Luna tried to convey innocently.

“Yeah yeah,” I said as I pulled Luna away from Justin who was now flicking his hair and tried to express a cool appearance, “Let’s just get to Hogsmede before you go to Azkaban for creeping on younger students!”

Hermione followed us as we raced through the corridors, between gasps for air she managed to whisper, “I thought…you fancied….Neville...Luna?”

“I don’t know… He’s practically a teacher now it would be… very inappropriate.” She said.

Both of us shot Luna a deathly glare but I was the first one to speak, “Luna. Inappropriate is what… you were doing with… Justin back there!”

A sly smile began to surface on Luna’s pasty face, “I thought he was very cute…”

As we exited Hogwarts main door, we could see we were not very far behind the long line of students walking to Hogsmede.

“Ahh, we made it” sighed Hermione, as we all stood for a moment trying to catch our breath. Running through the corridors is not a good idea, especially when you catch a glimpse of Filch skulking round the castle; I pray we were so fast he didn’t catch who it was!

Luna turned towards us and stared for a moment.

“Race you both to Hogsmede!” shouted Luna, “Last one there has to buy the Butter beer!!”

I turned to Hermione to see her reaction, but before I knew it she had also sprinted off. Great, more running!!


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