Suprise suprise

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Sunlight was streaming through the windows, as I woke up. I silently opened my window and called Blackjack. "Hey, boss," he said. "Hi, can we go to my old apartment. "Sure," he said and we flew away. When we got their I slipped through the window and walked over to my dresser. I had taken my mom and dad's wedding rings before burying them. I'd knew that I was going to propose soon because after Tarturas I realized that I couldn't live without Annabeth, and even though we were young I had a feeling we were going to get married anyways, so why not know? I quickly slid out the window and had Blackjack take me to Camp Half-Blood. There I caught up with Leo and asked if he could put a metal owl with aqua eyes. He told me it would be ready in an hour, so from there me and Blackjack went to Olympus to ask Athena for her blessing. Once I found her I said, "Lady Athena may I have your blessing to marry Annabeth, I love her with all my heart and would never hurt her," I said as politely as possible. "Perseus Jackson after what you have done for us you have gained a right to marry my daughter". "Thank you Lady Athena, you won't regret this," I replied.

Then I quickly picked up the ring, payed Leo, and flew back to the Avengers aircraft. Apparently, they were looking for me. Oopps. Knowing that Annabeth wouldn't want me to make a big fuss, I grabbed her knelt down took out the box and said," Annabeth I have always loved you, ever since we were twelve I liked you and we have been so many places together, and after we fell in Tarturas I realized that I want to live with you forever. I can't live without you. Will you Annabeth Chase marry me?" For a second there she just stayed there, and then she started crying and fell into my arms screaming,"yes". So, I picked her up and spun her around. When I put her down she said," Do I have to put this on myself, or does someone want to help me ?" We both laughed and as I helped her get her ring on, it fell like old times.

"So where is everyone," I asked "In the meeting room," she replied. Then I picked her up bridal style both of us laughing and ran to the meeting room. As soon as we ran in there everyone asked where I was, so I said, "I was on a mission to make someone happy" At that Annabeth giggled. "Wait, Annabeth what is that on your finger?" Natasha said causing everyone to look at her finger. "Wait are you married," Tony asked. "No, Percy just proposed," Annabeth said.


"No, Percy just proposed." I said. "What?!?" Tony questioned, " but you guys are 18". "Age doesn't matter when your a demigod," Percy whispered so only I could hear. That had me falling out of his arms on to the ground laughing, Percy chuckling, and everyone staring at us like we are weirdos or non-human, which is kinda true, after we stopped laughing I said, "Where is the training room," " I'll show you," Thor said. "Thanks both me and Percy replied. Then I jumped on his back and we followed Thor. On the way there Thor said, " It is an honor to meet both of you" ."Thank you," I said. "So what's your weapon," Percy asked "It's a hammer that only a true warrior can pick up," he said "Oh can I try!!" Asked Percy " Sure" he replied and gave it to Percy. Percy then held it up screaming," I'M A TRUE WARRIOR," obviously that caused everyone to run over here. They looked at us and then Bruce said, "Can we talk with Thor for a second, the training room is just straight down and then first door to the left." " Okay ," we said and left.


"Wow," I said as Percy and Annabeth left."Are we allowed to watch them train?" Clint asked."Yay lets go wath them train!!" Thor squealed. Wait, Thor squealed? As we watched them battle on the screen I asked if I could run tests on them and everyone agreed so I went in there to tell them that I would be taking Percy first, while Annabeth would talk to someone else. When we were in my lab I said," Percy I'm going to need you to take of your shirt". "No, that was never part of the deal," he replied, and refused to take off his shirt. After a few minutes I called everyone in. Right off the bat Tony said,"are you ashamed because you don't have any muscle?" "Fine," Percy said and took his shirt off. "Wow Tony you were way off," Natasha said staring at Percy's abbs. I mean the guy had an eight pack, his body was very toned, but then you saw his back and all the scars there and I could figure out why he didn't want to take off his shirt. Steven did the wrong thing by asking where he got those scars. Percy started shacking really violently and then blacked out.



I'll update soon maybe later tonight since I haven't in a while. Please vote and comment.

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