Chapter 2

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The room was scattered with different colored bottles and papers with different equations and formulas.

"All this goes right over my head." I laughed.

"Yea It's not for most. Music is more of my thing but I don't hate it. Dad used to ask me random science questions to make sure I wasn't going soft." Jazz laughed.

"There sure are a lot of vials."

"Yea a lot of them are my dads experiments. He's been trying to mix human DNA and lizard DNA."

"Really? Why?"

"Imagine if soldiers who lost their legs could grow them back like lizards grow their tails."

"Wow! That would help a lot of people." I said in wonder.

"Dad thinks all humans still have a pieces of animal DNA. If we can just awaken them then we could do amazing things." Jazz said as she picked up some papers. I walk to a shelf that had a picture of a paw print on the side and was filled with viles. I reached up to touch one to get a better look. Suddenly yelling could be heard from the Professors office.

"Sorry Professor but no isn't an option!" Came an angry voice.

"Your going to give us your research or your going to regret it!"

"I will not help you harm innocent people! My research is meant to help! Not hurt. I don't care what you do to me!"

"What about your daughter. Do you care what happens to her?" Said the stranger. I heard Jazz gasp a little and back up from the door.

"They haven't seen us yet. We need to get out of here." I whispered to her.

"I can't just leave my dad."

"It sounds like right now you will just complicate things." We slowly started to back up and I felt my back hit the shelf. The vials clank together.

"Crap." I breathed.

"Did you hear that? Check it out!" Said the voice.

"Y/N what are we going todo?" Jazz asked through a shaky breath.

The door opened.

"Well. Well. Well. Look what we got here." The man that had walked in was rather large. He was wearing all black and had a gun strapped to his side.

"Hey boss! I found a couple of small mice hiding in a corner!" He smiled wickedly. Another man walked in but he wasn't as big as the fist. He was actually kind of skinny. His hair was greased back and he wore a green suit.

"Looks like we don't have to go looking for the daughter after all." The man smiled showing his strait white teeth. He kind of reminded me of a lawyer.

"Grab her and her friend." He said to the larger man.

"Yes sir."

"Hey big guy! We don't want trouble." I said stepping in front of Jazz. If anything would happen she was the one that needed to get away.

"Move it kid." The man pushed me back slamming me against the shelf full of vials. So hard that the shelf began to fall.

"Y/n!!" Jazz yelled as it fell forward. I jumped and covered Jazz as it landed on top of us. Spilling the vials.

"Crap Bob you weren't suppose to kill them."

"Sorry boss."

"We will just have to find another way to get the doctor to cooperate."

Suddenly a growl ripped through the lab. The shelf began to move and fall away.

"What was that?" The well dressed man turned back to the shelf. Shock and fear spread across his face.


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