Chapter 7

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The next morning I awoke to the sound of snoring. I slowly opened my eyes to fined myself still on the couch. Sun was flooding threw the windows. I must have fallen asleep. Snoring once again filled the room and I look down to see Raph asleep on the floor. I sat up quickly. I looked down and saw my tail.

"It wasn't a dream?! Awwman!" I groaned to myself.

I slowly stood up and walked to the kitchen and started to cook eggs and bacon. I was almost done when I heard Raph snort loudly.

"Bacon?" He mumbled. He sat up and looked around.

"Morning sleeping beauty!" I yelled from the kitchen. He rubbed his head and stood up.

"Crap. I didn't mean to stay the whole night. Leo is going to kill me."

"Well how about you eat your final meal with me before you go." I sat two plates down on the table. I heard his stomach growl and smiled.

"Why not." Is all he said as he sat down. We ate in silence. I stole glances at him every once in a while. It was still hard to believe what happened yesterday actually went down. My ears twitch reminding me it was all real and I sighed.

"What's up?" Asked the red masked turtle.

"I'm just thinking about yesterday. It's hard for me to believe it all happened. Yesterday morning I was a normal person who loved to dance. Now I'm a mutant freak who loves to dance."

"Hey being a mutant freak isn't all bad." He grumbled.

"Oh I'm sorry Raph I didn't mean to offend you."

"Actually it's ok. That you actually forgot I was a mutant means a lot." He said not looking up. I could see a small smile though. For some reason this made me happy and my tail moved a little going across Ralph's feet. A giggle escaped his mouth and he slapped his hand over it.

"Raph?...was that a giggle?" I said smiling.

"No it wasn't." He said behind his hand.

"Yes it was! Oh my gosh are you ticklish?"

"I said it wasn't a giggle!" He said with a red face. He quickly stood up knocking over his plate and glass. They shattered on the floor making us jump back.

"Ah crap! I'm sorry y/n." He moaned

"It's ok. It was an accident." I reached down to pick up the shards.

"Hey be carful." He said getting down to help.


"What did I just say?" He said grabbing my hand. My hand bled where a shard had cut down my palm.

"You have any bandages?" He said look at my hand.

"Drawer under the sink."

He got up and walked to the sink. When he came back he reached down and picked me up bridal style.

"What are you doing?!" I screeched.

"We can't clean it in here. There is to much glass." He said as we walked into the living room. He sat me on the couch and started to dress my cut. After a while of awkward silence I decided to speak.


"No prob." He said with out looking up. His hands slowly touched mine as he wrapped bandages around it. I felt my face get a little warm. Was I blushing? No! Why would I be blushing. He's just being nice. I cleared my throat. He looked up. Our faces inches from each other.

"You ok? Your red. Do you have a fever?" He put his hand on my forehead.

"N-no I'm fine." I pulled my head back a little.

"Yea. Sure your face is just red for no reason. What's wrong?"

"I said it's nothing!" The turtle got closer to my face.

"Spit it out!"

"Your really close!!!" He froze staring at me confused then he realized how close he was.

"Oh ugh.... Sorry." He leaned back. His face was a light shade of pink. He quickly finished my hand then stood up.

"I'll finish cleaning up."

"I'll help."

"No I have thicker skin. I don't want you to get cut again."

"Then I'll use a broom."

"Your stubborn."

"And your a hot head."

He stared at me then sighed and shook his head.


We walked into the kitchen and started to clean. I reached down for the final shard and so did he. Are hands touched and we looked at each other.

"Oh sorry." We both said in unison. Suddenly we heard a bang come from a window. When we looked up there stood the blue masked leader himself. Anger shown all over his face.


"Crap." Raph sighed.

Dancer and the turtleWhere stories live. Discover now