Chapter 10

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The rest of the day the professor asked me questions and took blood samples. I told him about jumping the roofs and his eyes grew big and wrote things down.

"Would you say you have gotten stronger? Able to jump further?"

"Yea I guess."

"Hmm do me a favor and tell me what in my fridge in the employee room."

I look at him confused. "What?"

"Just take a breath."

I shake my head and take in a deep breath. That's when I smelt everything. The chemicals in the other room. The sweaty security guard down the hall. The tuna fish sandwich in the fridge in the employee room.

"Tuna fish sandwich?"

"Amazing! Ha! This is fantastic! Your smell has become as strong as a wolfs. Open your mouth for me."

I did so and and he shown a flash light in. "Looks like all your teeth are normal except for your canines. They look much sharper than a regular humans. Ok now what can you hear?"

I close my eyes. I felt my ears twitch as I listened. "I hear the birds outside and that cat that just fell into the trash can in the ally way...." My eyes shot open. "And someone sneaking up on us out side your window." The window opened and two turtles stepped in. It was the purple one and the orange one.

"You could here us? Wow that's impressive." said the purple masked one.

"Yea man! I mean we are like ninjas. We are trained on the art of.. You know... Being quiet." Said the Orange one with big eyes.

"Welcome Donnie and Mickey. What can I help you with today?" P.G. Said after writing some things down.

"Sorry to bother you professor but honestly we are here because....were bored."

"Oh?" The professor laughed.

"Where are your other brothers?"

"Well Leo took Ralph out to do some serious training. Its kind of like a punishment because Ralph didn't come home last night. On the corner of my eye I saw Jazz give me a, what happen last night, look.

"He didn't get in to much trouble did he?" I asked concerned.

"Well not really. Our master was angry but he'll get over it." Donnie said.

I sighed. I didn't want Ralph to get into to much trouble just because he was keeping me company.

"Would you boys like to help out with my study of y/n new abilities."

"Sure" Donnie said walking over to look at the professors note book.

"Heck yea.... It's not going to be boring will it?" Mickey asked.

"On the contrary it will be really interesting. We are just figuring out what makes y/n tick." The professor said walking around me. He showed Donnie something on his note book and Donnie nodded in agreement.

"Y/n look to your right for a moment."

"Um ok?" I looked over and the next thing I know someone wacked me over the head. I grabbed my head and growled.

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" I yelled. I looked up to see Donnie holding his staff. "Seeing your reflexes. You don't have any." I straitened back up. Then I felt another hit. I growled "STOP THAT!" I turned to Mickey who was holding his nunchucks. Then I sensed the air move behind me and I turn quick enough to to grab Donnie's staff and jerk it out of his hand. I bared my canines at him.

"I SAID STOP!" I snarled. Donnie backed up.

"Ugh professor. Her eyes have gone red again."

I slammed his  staff against the wall till it broke in half. I stepped toward Donnie till I felt some one hold me back. "Calm down chicka!"

"LET GO!" I yelled in anger. Then everything went dark.

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