Chapter 26

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My eyes jerked open. I sat up quickly and looked around. I was in a big bed in a room I had never seen before. There were barbells and a punching bag that looked like it has been used a lot. Memories flooded back and tears started to fall down my face. Raph had saved me from shredder. I didn't have to go through that torture again. I slowly got up, groaning. My body hurt so much. It felt like it was going to rip in half. I maneuvered around the barbells and opened the door. The first thing I noticed was the smell. It smells awful almost made me gag. The next thing I noticed was the turtle sitting next to the door. A little snore came from him which made me smile. I leaned down so I was closer to his face.

"Raph?" He didn't move.

"Raph?..... I'm going to make breakfast. Want some?"

"*Snort*...Bacon?!" He woke up and slowly looked at me. After a few seconds his eyes quickly grew wide.

"Y/n!!!" He stood up, wrapped his arms around me and swung me around.

"Your awake! Oh thank God."

"Raph! Your hurting me! Bruises and cuts remember?"

"Oh yea sorry." He quickly sat me down.

"How long was I out?"

"Three days."

"Wow." I looked down at his shoulder and saw a large bandage. I went quit and put my hand on it. Soon Raphs hand was on mine. I looked at him and he gave me a sad smile.

"D-dose it hurt?"

"A little."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I'm just glad your back..... What do you remember?"

"Being kidnaped. Being taken to there hideout. And meeting shredder for the first time. I also remember bitting a scientists when he got a little to friendly. I also remember the tests they did on me. Everything gets a little fuzzy after that." I looked down when I thought back on the torture.

"Hey." Raph pull my chin up so I could look at him.

"Your with me now. I won't let anything happen to you. Not again." I smiled and he pulled me into a warm safe hug. He sat his chin atop of my head and sighed.

" you remember anything else?"

"I kind of remember our fight." I knew what he was really asking. He was asking if I remembered his confession. I smiled against his chest then leaned back to look at his green eyes.

"Raph I-"

"Hey y/n's awake!" Yelled Micky from down the hall. Me and Raph turned to him to see his giant grin. I was tackled in a hug.

"I'm so glad your ok! Listen I know we might not be close but anyone who can stand up against Raph is a friend of mine." He said laughing. I soon joined in the laughter.

"Ok ok let go." Raph said as he pulled Micky off me.

"Oh he's already being possessive of you. How cute!" Micky said batting his eyes.

"Shut up Micky!" Raph growled.

"I'm glad to see you are alright." Came another voice. I turned around to see Leo and Donnie.

"Hey guys. I said smiling."

"I-I did some t-testing. You should be alright. J-just don't strain yourself." Stuttered Donnie.

"Thank you Donnie. Thank all of you for saving me. I don't know w-what I would of done." Tears started to fall down my face. Raph wrapped his arms around me from behind comforting me. The other turtles just smiled and nodded.

"Hey Donnie! I don't think those chemicals can mix." Said my best friend who had started to come around the corner. She had black powder all over her face and hair. She looked up and froze.

"Y-Y/N!!!" She screamed as she ran and engulfed me in a hug. Rivers ran down her face.

"I'm so glad your ok! I was worried sick!" She said squeezing me harder.

"J-Jazz I-I can't breath."

"Oh sorry. I'm just so happy your alright. Oh but look at you. We're going to go get are hair and makeup done the next time we go shopping." I just laughed and nodded.

"Ooook I'm tired of waiting." Raph grunted and picked me up bridal stile.

"Raph?" He started to walk away.

"You guys go do what you do. Her and I need to talk." He said as he walked into I believe is the living room where pizza boxes were scattered everywhere.

"Raphael what are you doing to the pore girl?" Asked a old voice. Raph turned around and I gasped. There stood a giant rat. Raph quickly sat me down.

"Who's he?" I asked.

"Master Splinter. My teacher and... Father."

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