Chapter 22

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3rd person pov

It had been a week since y/n was taken. The turtles have looked through out the city for her but couldn't find where the foot clan had taken her. Raph was going crazy with worry. He had gone back to the tunnel three times to see if he had missed anything. He didn't get back to the layer till real late and he wouldn't talk to his brothers unless it was about y/n. Leo was the only one brave enough to actually walk up to him. He would explode randomly and yell at who ever was closed to him. He even yelled at splinter once which shocked everyone. But what surprised them most is that splinter didn't rip him apart he just patted him on the shell and walked away.

"Raph we are trying are best." Said Leo walking up to Raph.

"Yea cool down dud." Micky said coming in.

"Cool down? Cool down?! Do you not get that every second that has gone by they could have done who knows what to her?!.... AND ITS ALL MY FAULT!!" At this Raph broke a table.

"You couldn't have seen this coming Raph."

"It doesn't matter! I should have been with her. Not making her run into trouble." Raph walked to the exit of the layer."

"Where are you going?"

"I don't know. But I can't just stand here." He ran out of the layer and through a man hole. He decided he was going to check the tunnel again. He didn't know what else to do. When he arrived he ran his hand down the wall of the tunnel.

"Where did you go?"

His fingers slipped into a hole. Which was weird because it defiantly wasn't there before. He reached in and felt a switch. He pulled it and suddenly the wall began to move reveling a truck sized hole in the wall.

"Finally. I'm coming y/n." Raph pulled out his phone.

"Found something in tunnel. Switch in the wall. I'm going ahead." He hit send then took off.

After what seemed like an hour of running Raph saw the light from the outside. When he exited the tunnel he saw only trees.

"We must be outside of the city." He said as he looked around.

He fallowed a path down the side of what looks like a face of a cliff. As he got closer to the tree line he started to see a building in the distance. He came to a grassy hill that he slid down on his shell. He crouched behind some bushes. Standing at the entrance were two guards were stationed. They wore the foot clans simple on there shoulders.

"Now how am I going to get past you?" He asked himself.

"All you have todo is ask." Came a gruff voice. Before Raph could turn around he was struck over the head.

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