Chapter 23

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Decided to do a little extra today. Just for kick.

Raph awoke when he was flung against the ground. He groaned and slowly opened his eyes. He regretted it  immediately. His head throbbed and made him sick. When his eye sight adjusted he saw he was in a big metal room. He slowly sat up finding that his hands were bind behind his back. He saw his weapons were gone and it looked like he was alone. Well thats what he thought until laughter broke the silence. Raph looked up and gulped. There stood Shredder. All in his stupid shiny metal glory standing in a balcony looking into the room.

"I must say I'm glad you finally made it. I was starting to think you would never find that switch." He chuckled. Raph mentally face palmed. How stupid he was for not seeing this was a trap.

"Where is y/n!" Raph yelled.

"Don't worry. You shall see her soon. You see we needed to test her strangth and her...obedience."

"Obedience? .... Oh no." Shredder started to laugh once again.

"Bring her in!" He yelled.

A giant door began to open. A big man in a black shirt held a chain in his hand. Next to him was another man in a green suit. The big man jerked the chan and what came out stumbling and falling to the floor almost made Raph sick. It was y/n. She had on a ratty sports bra on with ripped up shorts. Her hair was in a rats nest and she had cuts and bruises all up and down her body. Her mouth was cut and she had a black eye. But that wasn't even the worst part. Her eyes looked lifeless. There was no trace of the girl that Raph had grown fond off.

"W-what did you do to her?" Raph was barely able to get the words out.

"She was vary stubborn. No matter what we did to her she would not become submissive. She even bit one of our scientist. She wasn't in her wolf form ether. But we finally broke her." Shredder said with pride.

"Broke her." Raph mouthed. That wasnt what they did. They shattered her. The joy he had seen in her eyes a week ago was long gone.

"Y/N!" He yelled to her. She didn't move. Didn't look up. Her master hadn't given her an order so she will wait. All other noises were muffled.

"Now I must thank you Raphael. If you hadn't pushed her to us it would of been much more difficult to obtain her." 

"I'll kill you for what you have done to her!" Raph slammed his hand against the floor in anger.

"Sorry but you won't get the chance. You'll be to busy trying to stay alive." He snapped his hands and the collar around y/n put out an electric shock. Y/n screamed. But then she changed into her wolf form.

"Attack!" Shredder yelled. The chain connected to her leg broke free and she stumbled at first but then she got down on all four and started to run strait at Raph.

"Y/n!" Raph yelled.

"I would recommend that you start running." Shredder laughed.

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