Day 7....

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Amani's POV

I was more than happy when I heard Farzath's reply. It was short, sweet and simple. If I say Rikaz was happy it would be an understatement, it was a joyous and merry moment for him. Rikaz just couldn't stop grinning.

We had dinner talking about random things and cracking silly jokes at each other. Hamza didn't join us at dinner as he claimed himself to be having a headache. I felt so good at the dinner. Something I've lost for years was back within me.

Rikaz's POV

What could I say? This was something I never expected from Farzath. I thought he'd stammer and take time to answer. But unexpectedly the guy was already prepared and ready with his answer.

I felt like we had a happy meal after ages together. Just the four of us with no awkwardness or uneasiness due to the presence of someone we barely know. I don't hate the guy but still I know how much Farzath had waited for her and all what he went through. And I see them a better pair. Amani spoke on automatic mood during dinner and she just couldn't shut her mouth. She went on and on and on.

But I'm more than happy to see my little sister back. Even though she's not my sister through blood, yet she meant a lot to me. Being partners in crime from childhood and sharing our day with each other and having that protective brother job was such a joy and pride.

Farzath's POV

It was not a tough question, but a wise question. I did answer it without another thought. And when I saw that bright smile on her face, I was proud and happy with what I answered.

Today's dinner was not just a random dinner like everyday. It was different and special because I saw the Amani I fell for. Suddenly she started talking and oh my Allah she just couldn't stop and allowed no one to interrupt.

Rikaz tried interrupting a couple of times and she gave a puppy face at me signaling that she was annoyed. I pinched him and made sure he didn't interrupt again and she was more than happy.

The way she speaks, Subhanallah! Priceless. Her eyes rolling here up, down, left, right, and her facial expressions changing according to the situation she narrates and the the way she swings her hand, she's cute. I missed this side of her alot. The chatterbox.

Suddenly I noticed that every single one of us have finished our meal but Amani the person busy talking has not yet touched her food.

"Aman." I called her in a gentle voice.

"Yeah.." She turned to me.

"Have your dinner first and then continue with your story okay?" I asked

"Oh no I'll loose the mood to tell the story!" She almost was about to throw a tantrum like a kid.

"Okay okay, go on with your story and I'll feed the meal for you. Is that a yes?" I asked her.

"That sounds great!!" She screamt in joy. Oh my Allah these little little matter that brings her childish side out.

While I fed her the meal she went on narrating. Rikaz was about to drop his head on the table and fall asleep. I kicked his leg from under the table signaling him not to sleep, because Amani might get offended thinking her story was boring.

Zainab's POV

Cute is all I can say when I see Amani and Farzath together. The way Farzath tackles her is so lovely to see. He knows every move of hers at the tip of his fingers. Just a look and the guy knows whether she's happy, sad, worried, angry, upset or let it be any mood and he knows it.

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