the best promise.....

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Then it said typing and the excitement in me was growing every second.

Amani I do..

Yyeeaahhhhyyy!!! Can this day get any better.!! She just did accept me right? Oh no wait...

Amani i mean...i do need time...

Ouch! Now that was clear disappointment.  Why couldn't she tell it at the first text?! It's like giving a bar of chocolate in hand and then grabbing it back saying i have diabetes. Ooppss!! Seems like I've become a chocolate freak like this idiot. How much time does she need??! Should i ask? Nope, let me give her some time or whatever time.

Amani's POV

Amani I do..

Woah!! Woah Woah!!! Earth to me!! What did i send just now! No, no way. This can't be happening, i can't accept Hamza. I don't know why but i can't, i won't, i don't, i shan't and...ooppss!! Why am i blabbering all the negative contractions now?! I've got to straighten this up.

Amani i mean...i do need time...

Phew! That was a good alter,wasn't it.

Hamza take as much as time you want my girl!

Okay now that's so bitter of you Hamza! I expected him to say "Amani, if you don't like,or don't want to,then you can tell me, i won't mind it." Idiot says to take as much time as i want, and ohh yes since when did i become his girl?

Amani cool! Guess what? Iam too tired after climbing those 14 steps.....I'm going to sleep....goody nightz.....devil drmz...

If this conversation continues it's going to turn awkward for sure, and ohh yeah the actual reason is that I'm too tired as i climbed those steps. Come on 14 steps, isn't that tiring??

Hamza just 14!! Lazy cat!!....ohh im wrong....lazy kitten!

Kitten!!! You damn it..

Amani I'm no kitten!! I'm olaf the snow girl....and 14 is 14!! Its not just 14....hum...

Hamza hahahaa!! No no no!! Iam olaf the snowman...your Anna....

Amani ouch! That hurts!! Don't insult olaf....he's way too handsome to be you

Hamza you sound drowsy...go sleep....Miss Tomato blush!

Amani im in no mood to fight you are free from torture....but'll see the outcome....good night

Hamza  kittens are starting to threaten!! where is the world going?? ...... good night...ghosty salaamu alaikum

Amani wa alaikum as salaam.

Hamza's POV

She's such a kitten!! Lazy idiot is tired of climbing just 14 steps, and oh my she is complaining as if she climbed Mount Everest. So she needs time. If i get this Yusuf guy in my hand, ill strangle him to death. He doesn't deserve her, not even an inch of her love. I see the effect it has made in her.
         She's afraid of being broken again. I should prove I'm true to her. She is my princess after all. My Kitten princess! Okay okay i know that's quite beyond borders. But she is a kitten right?? Ya Allah being with this crazy girl I've turned out all super crazy these days.

Amani's  POV

Amani Good morning  idiot...

Hamza Good morning tomato blush...

Amani shut up broom stick...

Hamza heyy!! Don't be so rude okay...

Amani hehe..what's rude here broom stick?

Hamza im no broom stick...humm

Amani u look like one but...

Hamza no i don't

Amani  yes u do...

Hamza what's your decision?? Is it a thumbs up or thumbs down?

Ooppss!! I couldn't sleep last night. I didn't know what to answer to him. But i should know whether he is true to me. I mean, i know Hamza very well. He's trustable and a good guy. He doesn't play with anyones hearts or feelings as he knows its value. Okay fine ill shoot this guy a few questions.

Amani i have a few questions for you before i decide

Hamza shoot em up

Amani as you love me....where is the destiny leading? What's the goal with me?

Hamza you see...Firstly i want to fulfill half of my deen...secondly live a life according to the teachings of the Prophet Muhammed (sal) ...... and then finally....i promise you that ill take you to Jannah with me in shaa Allah!...

Wow!! Can this question be answered any better??!! Boy, your one of a kind. To be honest, iam flattered!! Like seriously, who on earth will not be flattered by such an answer.

Amani you deserve better....

Hamza that's why i chose you!

Amani iam flatteerreeeeddd!!!

Hamza hahahhahaha!!! to Amani....decision made??

Amani you've given a very valuable promise.... i will accept you....r u sure you'll this will last long?

Hamza in shaa the the help of our Lord Almighty Allah...this will last as long as we survive....and yes i promise you ill lead you to Jannah by the help of Allah in shaa Allah.

Amani i accept you....

Hamza i couldn't hear... what?

Amani you idiot! What's there to hear....its a it back you intelligent fool.

Hamza give some respect to your future hubby...

Amani FUTURE right!! Not present...

Hamza Devil...

Amani your wife right...then definitely a devil only...

Hamza but iam an angel u knw

Amani ohh im a devil, i don't marry angels sooo i better break

Hamza noooo!! Iam a devil

Amani hahahahahaa!!! Crazy fella..

My Prince Charming..... (A Muslimah's hunt for her ♥)Where stories live. Discover now