Forgiveness......kind of....

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---Bella's POV

Avi took me to his and Kevin's place. I can't be around Mitch. I just.......can't. "Hey, you alright?" Kevin asks, coming over by me and sitting down. His arm is around my shoulder, and I don't care. I wipe a stray tear off of my face. "Uh...ya. I'm-I'm fine." I lie, giving a half hearted smile. "Okay..." He agrees with me. My phone then buzzes as he walks away. Picking up my phone, I see I get a text from Mitch (M-Mitch B-Bell....AVI-ously).

M- Baby I'm so sorry! I didn't mean anything I said! I was wasted! I'm sorry....

B- Yeah right! Even WHEN you're wasted, you're NEVER like.....THAT!

*phone rings*

"Baby....please....I'm sorry...I'm so so sorry...." He cries. He barely gets his words out without choking on tears. I just let out a choked sob as well. I've been at Avi's place for about 1 week. And let me tell you, it's been the most painful week of my life. "I miss much...please come back to me..." He cries. "I-I want to.....but.....*sigh*...I love you Mitch...and...I've been thinking about coming back....and I need to. So.....I will." I say in a big sigh. I hear a breath catch in the back of his throat, making him cough. "When...?" He asks. "Tonight..." I confirm.

I'm now in the penthouse. I step in through the door, looking around. It looks like there isn't a spec of dust. "Oh my god...." Is all I manage saying before I feel arms around my waist. "Mitch...." I whisper. "I can't tell you how much I've been suffering." He spins me around to look me in the eye. "I'm back. But I can't forgive you. Not yet." I don't take my eyes off his. "That's fine, as long as you're here." He smiles. He leans down and give me a kiss. I've missed that. Mitch giggles. "What?" I giggle back. "You said that out loud B." He smirks. "Oh...well....." I laugh. "I'm going to...order Chinese." I smile. He looks at me as if he's never seen me smile. "What?" I look back behind me where he is standing. "Oh nothing." A smile of innocence rests on his face as he walks away down the hall, into his music room. 

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