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---Bella's POV (2 months later)

Waking up with Mitch next to me is still a little weird. I mean, don't get me wrong, I still love him more than my life, but, it's hard to explain. We've never fought like that before. I know it was 2 months ago...but still. I'm about 3 months pregnant, and everything is going fine. The wedding is in 4 days, on Saturday. I could not be more nervous. I'm currently getting dressed, when I notice someone in the doorway. "Hey." I greet Mitch. He smiles, coming over to me and putting his hands on my stomach from behind. "How's the baby?" He asks in a whisper. "Okay. I'm just having some cramps." I tell him. He nods, and goes into the bathroom. The minute Mitch steps out of the bathroom, I run in. "Ugh!!!" I moan. "This morning sickness shit is getting old...." I say, stepping out of the bathroom after I get myself situated. "It'll all be worth it." Mitch smiles.

I'm so stressed right now it isn't even funny. I'm working on wedding stuff, specifically the seats of how many people are going to be there, and, let me just say, it's more aggravating then it seems. "You alright?" Mitch asks, coming up from behind me. I sigh, annoyed. "Sorry for asking!" He sasses back, walking away. "No baby I'm sorry!" I says getting off the chair and walking quickly to him. "It's alright...." He sighs, giving me a pationate kiss. I kiss back, AVI-ously. "I'm just so nervous..*sigh*...about everything." I sigh, resting my head on his chest. "It's all gonna be fine.....I promise..." He sighs back, obviously affected by my change in attitude.

(The day of the wedding)

I'm by the doors of the hall. Everyone is in there. My family. My friends. Mitch. Taking a deep breath as the door opens, I walk down the isle with my father. A tear runs down my face, making me smile. This is actually happening. I'm getting married to the person I love most. I get up to where Mitch is, and he takes my hands in his. I look into his dark brown eyes, feeling the urge to break down crying. We mouth 'I love you' at the same time, which makes up laugh. "You may now, kiss the bride!" The priest says. I throw myself at Mitch, slamming my lips into his. He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses me back. Everyone us crying. Ecpesially me. All of the stress. All of the endless nights staying up until ungodly ours. It's all worth it.

(A couple days after the wedding)

Walking over to the kitchen table, I hunch over in pain. "Mitch...somethings wrong..." I worry. "I need to go to the doctor." I say, he immediately nods and we are off to the hospital.

(At the hospital in the room)

"Well Mr and Mrs Grassi, I'm sorry to be the bringer of bad tithings, but, it seems that your baby isn't doing so well...." The doctor goes on about what's wrong. My hands are covering my mouth, as I'm about to break down in tears. She doesn't think the baby is going to make it. Mitch is hugging me, almost in tears as well. "Oh my god..." Is all I manage to say.

(Back at home)

I'm on Skype in a group chat with everyone. (Everyone being the rest of PTX and Lucy). I tell them what's up, and Scott is up to the penthouse in a hot second after we end the call. When he comes through the door, he runs over to where I sit on the couch. "Oh my god..." He whispers, hugging me. I let out a soft cry, letting tears fall. "I'm so sorry Bell..." He sighs.


I'm so sorry you guys! #Emotional! 😭 I had to add something into the story.......I got bored. At the moment I'm playing with my dog, and she's chasing a laser pointer!😆....but....anyways......bye😞😭😰😔😣😫😓

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