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---Bella's POV (the next day)

Everyone is over at the penthouse because Mitch invited them. Honestly, I'm getting tired of everyone bugging me about how it's all going to get better. Ya, life goes on, but that doesn't mean everyone can't just leave me alone and let me brood in my anger for at LEAST a day. "We should go and talk to Lucy. Go talk some sense into her." Scott declares. With that, the gang goes down to her apartment, with me having no choice but to go with them.

As we step into her apartment, her eyes go from slightly sad and gloomy, to angry and depressed as she sees me. I return the glare, as we step a few feet away from each other. We both try to throw a punch at the same time, but the boys already knew what was going to happen before it actually did. Scott grabbed Lucy, and Avi grabbed me, pulling us both aside and away from the rest of the group. Mitch didn't even try to pull me back because I'm stronger then he is. I mean, ya, sure, he has muscle, but he doesn't exercise as much as I do. So, as you now know, he had Avi do it. Mr. Lumberjack Kaplan. "This all needs to end. You guys are best friends. Like sisters almost. But almost getting into a physical fight is the last straw. If it wasn't for us, one of you would either be on the floor dead, or in a coma. You girls need to realize that life goes on! Life will continue no matter what happens. SO! If you will, just apologize to each other." Kevin declares, sounding like he is a president reading the declaration of independence. You know, sometimes, he sounds so intelligent it gives me a headache.

"Ya, sure, I'm sorry." Lucy spits, obviously still mad. "I actually AM sorry Franklin. No matter how much of a bitch you've been to me, I forgive you because you mean the world to me. You're like my sister. And I'm sorry for my actions. I just meant it as fun. Just a friendly game of payback. To be truthful, you crossed the line. You almost cost me my marriage to get back at me. That's a pretty cold, bitchy, awful thing to do. But I'm willing to forget all of that to resolve all of this conflict between us. It's not only affecting you and I, but it's affecting everyone around us. So, I'm  truly sorry Lucy." I state. Her eyes soften a bit, but still hold a harsh background. There is a long pause until she sighs. "Leave me alone please. I need to think." Lucy says as she walks away down the hall.

We all leave, and we're now in the elevator. "I liked your speech. You sounded like a true Oakenshield back there." Avi says, making me smile slightly. "There it is." He says, lightly nudging me in the shoulder. This makes me laugh a bit and nudge him back. Everyone else has a smile on their faces, but mine returns to it's dark and depressing state.

It's like, 1:30 AM, and I'm reflecting on life. But I'm only reflecting on the negative side of things. I'm in that depressed faze where you feel that you want to die, and if you do, no one will care. Even though I know for sure that that isn't true what so ever. I look into my bathroom cabinets, and I grab out a bottle of pills. My vision is blurry, so I can't see what the label reads. But I'm pretty sure it's something of Mitch's. I pour about 11 of them into my hand, and I notice by the shape and size that they're Mitch's sleeping pills. 'They can't be THAT powerful can they?' I ask myself. I then open the water bottle and down the pills 1, 2, 3. I have no idea of what will happen. But I have a pretty good guess that I might not wake up when expected.


Hello my fellow readers! The reason I haven't updated in like.....5...6 days now, is 1. Because I had a shit ton of stuff to finish for a project for school, and 2. Because I just had to energy to type.

I wasn't in the mood to type this fanfiction at the time so I just didn't. Plus! I know this might sound quite selfish of me, and I'm sorry if it does, but this isn't my top priority. I can't update this 24/7. I'm debating on whether or not I should update the next chapter tonight, or wait and leave ya'll on  cliff hanger until tomorrow. If I choose tonight, then you should be expecting the next chapter very soon. SO! Till next time, byez!!!!!

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