Hospital Time

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---Mitch's POV

I woke up this morning to find that it's about 9:00. I look over to Bell beside me who's sleeping like a rock. I've decided to leave her be so she can get the sleep she deserves, so I go downstairs and make breakfast.

Bell hasn't come downstairs yet, so I go and check on her. "Bell....Bell, baby wake up." I say softly. I shake her shoulder a little bit rougher this time, but I get no response. "Bell. Babe this isn't funny." This time I shake her hard. Sitting her up so that she's in my arms, I start to yell at her and literally shake her as hard as I can. "BELL!" I yell, my scream mixed with tears. I set her back down on the bed, and I call Scott whom is currently at Starbucks getting the usually scheduled coffee. 

"SCOTT! Scott! Scott. Scott, something is wrong with Bell, she won't wake up! I've shaken her as hard as I can! She...she won't wake up Scott! Come home! Quick! Please!" I ramble, then hanging up the phone. I call the others, and they all get here before Scott since he's on the complete other side of Los Angeles. 

We've tried everything we could do before we call 911. Scott is here now, and he is the one to call 911. Within 10 minutes of the call, the ambulance is parked outside of the gigantic apartment building, and they have Bell on a gurney, riding down to the ambulance. Lucy doesn't know about this, and I'm afraid of what's going to happen when we're all at the hospital and she isn't yet.

(At the hospital)

---Avi's POV

hey aren't letting anyone in the room as of now, and Mitch is freaking out about it. Resting my hand on his shoulder, he spins around a yells, "Don't touch me!", before sitting down on the bench right outside of the hospital room door and puts his head in his hands sighing quite loudly. "Mitchie....." Kirstie sighs, hugging him.

---Mitch's POV

The doctor has told us that she overdosed. But she is alive. Thank god. I'm at her beside, and I'm holding her hand, saying, 'please wake up', over and over again. Lucy has been called and she has just arrived. "Oh my god!" She says, covering her mouth with her hands, then running over to Bell's other side.

"Oh my god...this is all my fault!" Lucy says, tears running down her face. We have just explained everything that the doctor told us. "Bella.....I'm so sorry for pushing  you this far into your depression. I didn't know this hurt you to the point where you were in a whole so deep you couldn't get out. I'm so sorry....I regret anything and everything I've ever done to you. I never knew you would do this...out of everything you've already done in spite of your depression...I wouldn't think this would be it. Please don't die on me....I need you. Mitch needs you. God damn it the whole WORLD needs you! Now come on....please, just open your eyes for me...." She finishes. 'Damn....' I think to myself. More tears are running down my face. A minute of silence has passed, and Lucy is about to get up, her hand still in Bell's, when she feels a slight grip. "Lucy.........?" We hear, so faintly that you would think it was a ghost. Lucy freezes, and then whips around, smothering Bell in a bone crushing hug. "OH MY GOD YOU'RE ALIVE!" I hear Lucy say. Bell tries to hug back, but fails.

Lucy steps away as Bell looks toward me now, her eyes filling with even more tears. "Mitchie...." She smiles slightly. I also crush her into a hug. I kiss her like if I don't she'll actually die this time. "I love much. B-oh my g- NEVER do that again!!!" I cry into her neck now. "I'm s-so sorry...." She says, struggling to even speak. ", don't be...everything is'll be fine..." I sigh, tears still falling. "Just promise me that you'll NEVER do this again.....please..." I sigh to her. "Mhm...." She sighs back.

---Lucy's POV

Scott and I have made up, and now we're at my apartment catching up with everything, (Because everyone left the hospital but Mitch...obviously). Even though we know almost everything that's happened since we've last spoken. We both tell our sides of what happened, and figured out stuff.

---Mitch's POV

Bell is now sat up and is talking. Which is an amazing thing. 'RING RING...RING RING'  my phone yells at me. "Who is it?" She asks. "Scott." I answer, picking up the phone. (M-Mitch S-Scott)

S- Guess what.

M- What Scotty?

S- I got laaaaid!

M-.......You lucky bitch. *laughs* I'll see ya tomorrow. Night Scotty.

B- Goodnight Scotty...

S- Night sis

With that, I hang the phone up, and go back to the previous conversation between my wife and I.


Hey guys!!!! I LOVED typing this chapter for some reason. I don't know  why, but I did! So...uh.....ya! Like, vote, and follow...uh.....ya. bye!!!!!

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