Wedding Shopping

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---Bella's POV

After Lucy and I have our fangirl time, we come out of the room like nothing happened. Lucy sits down next to Scott, and nearly pees herself when he puts his arm around her. "So babe.....what now?" Scott asks, just to get a rise out of Lucy. "Um...uh....I dunno...." She shrugs her shoulders. "Luc, we have to go wedding shopping tomorrow, but we're picking up Kirstie so she can come with." I state matter-o-factly. "Wait-that means we get to go shopping!" Mitch chimes, signaling to Scott and him. "Oh god..." I sigh, making him laugh. "We'll go with the boys on Saturday." He nods. "Kk, so!" I sigh again, leaning back into Mitch's embrace. "So indeed." Scott says, looking to Lucy.

We decide to call Kirstie, Avi, and Kevin over, and have a mini party. "So, shopping?" Kirstie says. "Tomorrow." I assure, being its almost midnight. 


I'm woken up by my alarm that is Wyatt. "Meow!" He whines, climbing on my chest. "Alright, alright I'm up." I yawn, getting out of bed and putting the cat on my shoulder. I walk into the living room to the smell of breakfast. "Mitch!" I whine, walking into the kitchen and setting Wyatt on his back when he's leaning over. "Babe...." He sighs. "I have to get ready, feed him?" I say, kissing him before leaving. 

When I'm brushing my hair, my fringe, it is all poofy. "Damnit!" I yell, making Mitch shake his head. "Eat breakfast, you gotta be with Lucy by 10." He states. "I will I will." She says, rushing over to her breakfast and start eating. It's 9:30. I half to meet up with Lucy at 10:00. "You have a half an hour. Slow down." He says, rubbing my back, looking at me from the side. "I know." I comment softly.

Lucy, Kirstie, and I are out at the mall, and Scott texts Lucy. It reads, 'Hey girly! How's shopping goin'? ;)' I smirk when I read his text to her. "TEXT HIM BACK!!!" I say, giving her phone back. 'Ya, we'll be back at about 4.' She answers. 'Alright honey, I'll see you later! ;) XD' He finishes. I fangirl, and we continue shopping. 

We soon get to this wedding store at the VERY end of the mall, and I spot a PERFECT dress right away. It's pure white, with lace arms, and an opened lace back. It goes down to roughly passed the ankles. "This one." I say. "Yes girl!" Lucy fangirls back. "With these shoes!" Kirstie says, bring pure with stiletto shoes with silver rhinestones on them. "Oh my god yes!" I answer. We then go check out the stuff we have, along the way grabbing a vail that is GORGEOUS!

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