With child?

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---Lucy's POV

Scott and I are about to leave for the airport to go home from the honeymoon, and I'm not feeling to good. "Hey, you okay?" Scott asks,  putting a gentle hand on my shoulder. "Nope!" I yell, running into the bathroom and puking. "Just, remember to take your Dramamine." Scott cringes at the sound of me. After I'm done with the hurling festival, we leave for the airport.

(After getting home)

Scott fell asleep a little while ago, and you'd think he fell dead. I've decided to go out to the store and buy a  pregnancy test or two. 

When I get back home, I take the test and wait. But after a while I check it. "Oh..my god." I say breathlessly under my breath.

Running into our room, I go over to the bed where Scott currently resides. "Scott." I shake him lightly. "Scooter!" I little harder. He mumbles a 'whaaaaaaat' and I then shake him really hard. "Scott it's an emergency!" When I yell this he sits straight up. "I have news!" I say, smiling and taking his hands in mine. I take a deep breath before saying words I've been waiting to say.

"I'm pregnant."


He guys!!!! Okay, so, here's the deal. I'm going to type two more chapters. Both of the chapters will be small. I'm not dropping the full PTX fanfiction idea. I'm making a new one! I will be uploading a couple of beginning chapters for that one today too. So, till next time, byez! 

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