Prologue: How It All Started

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July 14 2013

Dear James,

When I was a kid my mom bought me a star. It's name is Light. I wanted one ever since I saw the Aurora Borealis when I was 5. I fell in love with astronomy and the sky. I loved every bit of it. I was extremely curious. I always saw different parts of the sky and asked millions of questions about it.

My mom works in the fashion industry so we move around a lot. My dad usually comes with us, but he has work too. My dad is a photographer. He takes pictures of everything. I want a camera that takes pictures of the sky.

You're probably wondering what my name is! Sorry, my name is Renee Elizabeth Mabbit. I'm only 15 years old. My mom says I should have a pen pal since I have no siblings. So I thought one from juvenile detention hall would be acceptable. The three things I love most all begin with the letter "S". Singing, stars, and song writing. My life is crazy and complicated but that's what makes it life right? Write me back!

Renee Mabbit

July 16 2013

Dear Renee,

I've never gotten mail before. Ever. I didn't expect it to be from a stranger. But here I am, in jail, writing to you. I don't know who you are or how you got my information and frankly I don't care. It'll be nice to have someone to talk to. I'm 15 years old too. I've only been in here for two weeks and my sentence is a year. It's not really prison, but it's pretty close.

My mom works on Wall Street in New York City. I hear from her about once a year. My dad works at a pizza place in Chicago. I hear from him about 3 times a year. Why am I in a juvenile detention center in Colorado? Good question! My foster parents live here. It says on the envelope you live in California. That's pretty far. Tell me what it's like there and I'll tell you what it's like here. Write back.

James Fulton

July 18 2013

Dear James,

Wow! I didn't expect a reply from you. I'm glad I got one. So, you want to know about California? Well, it's sunny, bright, and everyone is tan and blonde. Just kidding! It is sunny, but not everyone is tan and blonde. I spend my days walking along the beach writing songs or singing to myself. Then at night it gets cool and I take my telescope out to the beach and look for my star. Light is always easy to find in the pitch black dark. I look at the Big Dipper, Little Dipper, and all the constellations in between. It's quite beautiful. I love the sky.

If its ok to ask, I want to know why you're in juvie. It's not really my business, but it'd be nice to know. Ok so, I have 5 things I want to know about you.

1) Favorite Movie

2) Favorite Book

3) Favorite band/singer

4) Favorite food

5) Favorite hobby

Write me back!


July 20 2013

Dear Renee,

It's so cool that you have a star. It'll always be there which is even cooler. California sounds awesome. Colorado is nothing compared to California. Colorado is boring and dull. It's also pretty cool that you write songs and sing. You seem pretty talented.

I don't really like talking about why I'm in here. I'm not proud of it.

I can answer your other questions though. My favorite movie is probably West Side Story. I don't really read so I don't really have a favorite book. My favorite band is Linkin Park and my favorite singer is Eminem. My favorite food is anything except the food they serve here. I can really go for some pizza. My favorite hobby is probably running.

Write Me Back By Deborah EscobarWhere stories live. Discover now