Chapter 6: Renee Goes On A Date

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That was fun! James is a bit uptight but that's ok I will loosen him up. He's pretty awesome. He's hard to read. I can't tell what he's thinking sometimes. I read Zain like a book. His eyes show everything. I need to stop thinking about Zain.

"You sure you're alright?" His dark hair partially covers his blue eyes.

"Yeah, I'm fine!" I smile. "That was fun."

"You're crazy." James rolls his eyes.

"I've been told." I give him a smirk. I feel a lot better than I did yesterday. Yesterday I cried a lot and I was a mess. Today I'm me.

"Ok so now can we head to the Sunset Restaurant?" James asks me.

"Yes we can." I take his hand and we start walking.

"Thank for the permission." He stares at the water. I can't tell what he's thinking.

"What are you thinking about?" I stare him down.

"This sun beating down on me, how blue the sky is, the iridescent waves, and you." He looks at me in a way no one has ever looked at me.

"Oh." I look to the ground. I am already attached to him. I already love him. It's too late. If I wasn't so upset last night I would have never told him I loved him. I think I do, but I wouldn't have said it.

"Am I crazy?" He asks as I stare back into his eyes.

"Why would you say that?" I ask playfully, trying to avoid heavy talk.

"Renee, I'm serious. I wrote letters to you. I never met you until now. Am I crazy to fall so easy and so fast?" He shakes his head.

"I don't know." I look at the people walking all around us. Couples everywhere. I look at a young girl and boy, maybe about 13. I wonder how they met. Probably not through letters.

"Earth to Renee?" James waves his hand in front of my face.

"I'm listening to you." I look at him.

"Am I crazy Renee?" He asks as we continue walking.

"I told you, I don't know." I fidget with the ends of my hair.

"What do you mean you don't know?" His voice raises a bit.

"I don't know what I mean." I'm trying to contain myself. I do not want to yell out my soul to all of Malibu right now.

"Renee come on." He puts his arm around my shoulder.

"Ok fine. I mean that once I fell in love. I don't know if it was stupid teenage love or real love. James I don't know what it was. I thought this guy loved me! I thought he loved me. I thought I would spend forever with him. I was stupid and naive and crazy. My mind was clouded and fogged over. I was too damn far on cloud nine I couldn't even see the ground. That's why it hurt so bad when he broke my heart. He told me he never loved me. He destroyed me. I was broken. I cried. I missed him for a year. We dated for 10 months. Sometimes, I still miss him. James I let him build me up just to knock me down again. After we broke up I built myself up. So only I can knock myself down. I don't need anyone and even if I get attached easy, I will never admit it. That's what I mean James. So yes, I think you are a bit crazy. I think you shouldn't fall so fast and so easy. I think that you genuinely care about me and that scares me. I am scared of love and gushy mushy feelings. That is what I mean." After I'm done yelling at his face I walk faster. I'm almost a block away when he catches up to me.

"You are not afraid of love. You are afraid of a broken heart." James yells behind me.

"What?" I turn around.

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