Chapter 9: James' Mind

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I'm in the hotel laying on my bed trying to call her. The phone rings twice and then stops.

"Why won't she pick up!?" I am two seconds away from throwing my phone on the floor.

"You left with a minutes notice." My mom is packing her things in her suitcase. We leave tomorrow at 10 am.

"She knows I'm coming back!" I yell.

"She doesn't know that for sure." My mom zips her suitcase and puts Summers things in a separate bag.

"She should!" I look at her name on my phone. I press it once more. It rings for what seems like forever.

"Hello?" Renee sounds like she's been crying.

"Renee!" I practically scream in the phone.

"Yes James? What do you want?" Renee sounds mad.

"I wanted to say I'm sorry for leaving like that. I should have given you more time. I should have told you what I'm about to say right now, to your face." My heart starts beating really fast and I go outside into the hallway.

"What do you have to say now?" Renee asks, not as mad.

"I will come back. I promise you that. I know I said I wasn't sure if I love you, but I am. I love you Renee Mabbitt. I do." I tell her.

"Well, James, I don't know what to say. Because you left me here heartbroken. You just poof! Up and out. If you don't come back, fine. Don't come back. If you do, please leave all your troubles at home and just come here for me." Renee says.

"I will. I promise you." I say.

"Don't make promises you don't intend to keep." She tells me.

"You love me?" I ask.

"Yes, of course I do." I hear the smile in her voice.

"Smile for me. I gotta go. Bye." I say.

"Bye James. Have fun in Colorado." Renee laughs.

"I will. Wish you were coming." I tell her.

"Me too." Renee says and then hangs up. I wonder what's going through her mind. I wonder what she's telling Cindy or her mom.

"James?" Summer walks out of our hotel room to find me sitting on the floor.

"Yes baby?" I grab her in my arms.

"You okay?" She looks up at me with those eyes like the ocean.

"I'm fine." I smile and kiss her forehead.

"Mama wants you." Summer pulls my hand and I get up.

"Alright." I get up and we walk back to the room.

"I wove you." Summer smiles at me.

"I love you too." I smile back at her.

"James?" My mom calls as we walk into our room.

"Yeah Mom?" I ask.

"What time is it?" She asks.

"5:23, why?" I ask her.

"I'm hungry." She laughs.

"I ate earlier, with Renee." I say.

"Come eat again. I want to spend time with you." My mom says.

"Sure Mom." My mom doesn't ask a lot of questions about anything and especially avoids Renee.

"Tomorrow is the 4th of July!" My mom exclaims.

Write Me Back By Deborah EscobarWhere stories live. Discover now