Chapter 4: It wasnt real?

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Octavia's pov

I woke up on my bed.

Breathing heavily.

My breaths raggedy.

Had it been a dream?

Sun shone through my windows in my cabin.

Had it been a dream.

No, it couldn't have been?

How was I falling in love with someone who

killed, murdered, these poor children.

What was this place?

Why was I falling for him?

How the hell?

I must be insane?

If I was that insane I would have to be dead.

I laughed at my own reference.

I then clambered out of my "bed" structure.

Getting changed quickly.

The wardrobe unforgivably wasn't there...

So I got changed into a pair black leggings and

a long sleeved shirt navy shirt with black

combat boots and throwing my army coat over

my wavy I had pulled up into a sloppy pony


I then took out my arrows slinging the pack on

my back and then grabbing my bow.

I trudged through the leaves looking for a place

the rest.

I ended up climbing a mossy tree and sitting in


I looked around,

admiring Never land.

It was beautiful.

I wondered how I got here.

Why I was starting to like Peter Pan

when he was a royal pain.

He was slightly creepy.

Oh shoot.

I just remembered

he can read my thoughts.

I heard rustling about me.

Someone was sitting above me

on a vine

the top of the tree.

It was Peter.

He didn't say anything at all.

Just stared.

Pans pov

Neverland through it beauty

there were things wrong with it.

Like it played tricks on you.

Octavia had a dream and I tuned it.

Neverland determined what happened.

It predicts the future.

She looked at me with big eyes her hair had fallen out of its pony tail.

She didn't speak just looked into my eyes.


I then decided to scare our guest a little.

I teleported right next to her.

Although she kept looking up,


I whispered, "Hello" into her ear.

She jumped and was about to slip from the

mossy tree but before she fell to the ground she

had an arrow in the tree and was pulling herself up.

She didn't say anything.

"You didn't fall, why?" I ask confused.

"because I'm smarter than you think" she replies.

"Not sure about that dear" I reply.

"Oh really" she says.

I turn to see I was watching her emotions to

intently I hadn't noticed she had her arrow

stuck in my arm.

I stuck my hand on it and it disappeared.

I looked over and she was gone.

I looked through the trees.

She was running her bow with an arrow ready

to fire.

"Why do you suddenly feel the need to kill

me?" I question.

"Because I can't fall for a fictional character, Peter Pan"

So basically she doesn't want to fall in love with him because she doesn't feel capable off. 
Peter doesn't like her.
it was Neverland playing tricks on her while she was asleep.

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