Chapter 14: Nogitsune

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Octavia's Pov

I think,

I just admitted I was in love with Peter Pan.

But before maybe he admitted he was as well.

It was crazy.

Before I heard someone fall from the tree


Green lights flashed as someone was

suspended in mid air.

"Father?" Rumple questioned.

I looked up seeing Peter standing, above,

on the tree house.

His eyes.

There was something wrong with his eyes.

The piercing green were not a black color.

Sparks flashed from his hands.

"Good bye Son" he said.

His eyes showing no mercy.

His words cutting like a knife.

It looked as though his dark side had taken


For once Rumple didn't have a sly look

on his face.

His smile was wiped off.

"Father, you don't have to kill me,

don't do what you did to me, when I was just

a boy.  Don't leave me again" Rumple says.

Pans face didn't budge.

"Trying to make me feel guilty? Are you?

You've tried to kill everyone in my life.

I may have left you, but trying to kill me for

it and then not wanting me to kill you?

Oh son we both know if you had the chance

you would have killed me in the blink of an

eye" Pan says full of rage.

And with that Rumple was released from Pans


Rumple fell to the floor.

I waited behind the tree for a little while.

I blinked.



I blinked for the third time.

Rumples body was gone.

Pan was still in the tree house.

Re-gaining his strength I presume.

I looked around.

I felt a cold knife pressed against my neck.

"Hello Octavia"

The knife presses harder onto my neck.

"Rumple" I breathe.

"Surprised to see me, deary?" he asks.

"Not at all" I reply.

A tall blonde comes over to me.

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