Chapter 9: Camp

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Octavia's Pov

I wrapped my arms around Peter.

I hadn't had human contact in what seemed

like forever.

I then released my arms from around his neck.

I breathed in the sweet smell of Neverland.

Peter looked at me,

averting his eyes to the woods.

Before saying,

"We should go."

"I agree" I say.

He then touches my shoulder

transporting us.

I took a deep breathe as I stood on a wooden


Peter wasn't there.

Although I had assumed that originally.

There was a note,

I'm sorry I had to leave,
you will be safe here.
It is protected my magic and anything penetrating its barrier shall be instantly killed.
~ Pan

It would be ok here I figured.

No people.

It was nice the silence of course.

I was used to this,


I was sitting in the streets of Georgia
It was always quiet
No one came for me
Like they promised,
They never came.
And I knew they wouldn't.


It was quit up here.

No one came .

It reminded me of home.

I spent my time here though

shooting bows at a target on a tree outside one

of the Windows.

It was lonely here.

But I was used to it.

I wondered if anyone would ever come.

Remembering no one cared for me

I realized no one would ever.

I was jealous of anyone who did.

The lost boys sure didn't like me,

and Peter sure as hell didn't.

Maybe one day I would find love.

Where it isn't supposed to be.

But until that I shall keep shooting to

occupy the lonely hours I spend

In a tree with no one to talk to but

the voices in my head.

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