Curiosity Killed The Cat

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       'Tip Tap Tip Tap." Went (Y/N)'s feet as she sat on the edge of her bed. Her (H/T) (H/C) hair draping itself in front of her (E/C) eyes, blocking her sight. A continuous thought played at her mind. The man in the cloak, who was he?

She weren't used to being the rescued one, the damsel in distress. So this feeling of being over powered, in a way, was uncomfortable. She sighed pushing herself up from her bed walking around her room trying to circulate her thoughts. Christopher and Agatha had gone out on their walk by the time the (H/C) girl came back, and her  father was at work. So all that was there was she and her mother.

She walked over to the window staring out into the sky, now littered with white clouds. Biting the inside of her lip she grew frustrated from the curiosity and confusion.

A groan emitted from (Y/N)'s throat as she decided she'd pursue this mysterious man. She grabbed a cloak and rushed out the door, not before giving her mother a quick kiss on the cheek. With that she walked out the door into the, now crowded, streets.

She ran quickly, not knowing where her feet may take her. She needed to clear her mind, the man who saved her life. He ran through her mind, she was curious to say the least. Who is he?

As if answering her question (Y/N) came in front of the large ruins of the opera house which had yet to be fixed. She always found this place calming ever since she found the catacombs. The young woman stepped inside, the black cloak glided across the dusty floor. Her boots stepped silently across the floor. (Y/N)'s loose white shirt hung from her frame.

She walked quickly backstage into the Prima Donna dressing room. She pushed the one way mirror out the way exposing the hallway to her. She sighed content, though the dirty and dusty normally wasn't somewhere where people felt at ease, however she did.

After minutes of walking (Y/N) could hear the organ playing once more. She wasn't confused anymore, every time she'd come into the catacombs she could hear it. The curious woman came to a circular staircase, Peeking over the edge she saw how far down it was and groaned. She was so close to turning around until she heard the music growing closer. She sighed as she jogged down the steps.

Suddenly, once again her world fell upside down. A trap door opened it's self causing her to fall into icy waters. Instinctively she let out a loud scream which echoed down the stairs and even through the door which was the exit.

She gasped and splashed around trying her best to stay afloat. However to no avail, alas she couldn't swim. To make matters worse an iron gate connected at the top of the ceiling. And moved downwards at a slow yet reasonable rate. Her sparking eyes widened with fear as she tried her best to swim towards the door. However she sunk deeper and the gate continued it's decent.

She began to sink farther, she instinctively screamed under the grimy water letting the  last bit of air out. Her eyes widened in horror as she realized she  may die here. Black dots littered her vision until she  lay in the water unconscious.

She jerked awake, under the covers of a circular bed. Much more comfortable than her own might I add. A black shiny curtain bordered the bed, She  sat up and felt the cool air on her legs. (Y/N)'s eyes widened as she saw they were bare, her torso had on an, extremely large and loose top on her, white dress shirt.

And the familiar sound of the organ continued, she pulled a rope down causing the curtain to go up. And what she saw made any heat from her body vanish.

She was in the setting of her dream.

hiya guys so i'm back with the next part, i thought i'd leave you guys off with a cliff hanger. huhu i'm so mean >:).

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