Beauty Knows No Pain

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        It was a game the two of them would play. Lets see who could get each other to the most amount of anger. Right now (Y/N) seemed to be winning,  She refused to wear the pink rose colored dress. She trapped herself behind the curtain of a small room. Her employer groaned in annoyance.

"Child! Put on the bloody dress!" He screamed, Though she wasn't the least bit phased by his outburst.

"No way in hell, guy!" she taunted, biting her thumb at him through the curtain*. Thus making the brunette scream in frustration as he ripped open the curtain.

"Child I've dressed you once don't make me do it again!" He warned,     (Y/N)'s eyes widened and she blushed deeply and shook at the thought. She snatched the article of clothing away from him mumbling profanities, and something vulgar about his mother. He sighed closing the curtain curtly.

The young woman eyed the dress menacingly, her hair had loose curls and it stopped at her shoulders. It was a Wednesday, the hours were long and her employer had taken it upon himself to teach her the ways of acting like a lady. However she refused, saying she'd rather die than become a prissy little Prima Donna. To which he replied, you will die if you continue to go against everything I say.

She stepped out the changing room, her arms crossed over her chest and her eyes narrowed. The older man was not paying attention causing her to clear her throat impatiently. He rolled his eyes turning around, looking her up and down he nodded with an arched eyebrow in approval.

"Nice, it suits you."

"I hate pink."

"Can't you ever take a compliment mademoiselle?"

"Can you quit acting like a pain in my arse?"

"Point taken."

(Y/N) tripped over the hem of her dress however caught herself by grabbing onto a chair. The man groaned walking over to the smaller female his fingers wrapping around her (S/C) limbs. She remained huddled into the chair frightened of the potential fall. He sighed impatient trying his best to pry her away from the chair to which she refused gripping on tighter.

She shook her head, her (H/C) curls flying and whipping at the air around her. The thirty five year old thought quickly picking up the small girl and wrapping his arm underneath her knees and under her back which resulted in a scream and continuous "Put me downs"

As she was in his arms he took this moment to take in all her beauty, which he wouldn't dare admit. Her curled hair  framed her face perfectly, he barely noticed the continuous pounding on his chest. Even though they felt more like tickles. He closed his eyes shifting his thoughts away. He didn't need any type of romancing at this moment in his life. He didn't want her, he wanted his angel, Christine.

He practically dropped the small girl on her bum, however lucky for him she landed on her feet with a glare directed at him. He wasn't the least bit scared by the woman's threatening gaze.

"Next time you fail to comply I drop you into the lake." He warned stepping away from her, grabbing the back of the chair and turning it away from the organ. He plopped himself onto the wooden chair with his legs crossed.

"Now walk towards me." He commanded.

"Now." She looked up at her "teacher" with a look that spoke itself, it said and i quote "don't rush me guy, i'll step over there and bash your face in dammit."

She slouched over ever so slightly walking towards the man, She was used to walking in pants with a slouched back and her hands in her pockets. Nothing like this.

"Wrong. Do it again." He called out with his limbs crossed. (Y/N) groaned flailing her arms below her in hopes of resisting the urge of punching her boss in the face. She wouldn't want to miss out on those 50 franks now?

(Y/N) Stood up straight with a fake toothy grin on her face as she walked gracefully towards the man whom had saved her life. She stood in front of him bending her knees and lifting the fabric of her dress curtsying.

"Oh wonderful employer, and teacher. To what do I owe this annoying ass position to?" She sneered causing one side of his lip to twitch upwards in a smirk. Her annoyance was his pleasure, and vise versa.

"Very good." He commended before leaning over his chair and grabbing a pair of white suede heels.

"Now walk in these." (Y/N) groaned snatching the heels from his hand slipping them on her feet without taking her (E/C) eyes off him. After the high heels were on her feet she felt pretty confident that she hadn't fallen over, however that went down the drain when she fell face first onto the cave floor.

Her teacher rubbed his temples trying to relax himself. Though the sight was funny, it would take her a while to get used to walking in lady like clothing. She pushed herself off the floor and sat on her bum, her pink dress trailing off around her. She ran a hand through her curly hair and sighed.

The two of them seemed to be losing their game. The man looked up walking towards her bending his knees and sitting on his feet. He held out his hand in front of her, she looked up at him, then at his bare hand, then at him.

"Come, child." He started "You won't learn this on your own." He sighed looking away. She nodded, gingerly taking his hand. Her small soft hands fit perfectly in his. He stood slowly as he helped her up, his arm around her waist to help her walk. He didn't understand though, she seemed uncharacteristically quiet and shy. Perhaps she felt embarrassed, he didn't perceive her to be someone who preferred to rely on others.

She stumbled slightly to which he tightened his grip on her hand and waist. Her heels clicked in the silence, once she finally began to get it he slowly loosened his grip and let her walk on her own.

She continued to walk back and forth, her back straight and looking forward. She spun around turing back towards him with a smile that said. "I did good yes?" He smiled back at her slightly saying "yes indeed." However the moment was cut short when they both looked away.

"I'll be going now. Thanks guy." She frowned taking off his heels handing them back towards him. He held up his hand.

"Keep them, you need all the practice you can get." He said bluntly, the woman huffed with a glare walking to his "bedroom" grabbing her things and stalking out the catacombs. He sighed walking towards the bed flopping on his bed running a hand through his hair.

"That damn woman." He said out loud.

"She confuses me so."

* Biting Thumb: meaning to extend middle finger in shakespearian language

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