Home Sweet Home

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         She sighed as she plopped down onto her bed, her dress still on and her hair still curled. Her knees bent and her arm over her eyes. Her breathing was slow and relaxed, she had spent twelve hours away from home working hard. Her family was asleep in their beds bundled up tight drifting off to sleep land. She, however, remained awake.

Not that she wanted to stay up, more than anything she wanted to sleep along side her family. But she  couldn't bring herself to drift off. But she wasn't wide awake either, her energy was drained she couldn't even get up to change into her night gown. Or even curl up her hair.

So she sat there staring up at the ceiling with her big (E/C) eyes. She couldn't help but let her mind wonder. Who was that man? Her employer. For she had still failed to seek a name. How could he afford to give her fifty franks a week? She crosses homeless off the list.
Who was this man?

'Why is he always staring at me?'

She woke once again the next morning, still in her dress which slightly trailed off the bed. (Y/N) groaned rubbing her eyes with the palm of her hand.

She sat up and there was suddenly a hot pain in her feet. It hurt, though it wasn't unbearable. Those damn heels. She stood up wincing as the heel of her foot hit the wood floor. She limped to her pile of clothes by the door grabbing them and quickly changing into them. Fearing she would be caught changing, how embarrassing.

Once she was finished, she felt out of place still. Her hand went up to her curly (H/C) tresses and inadvertently let out a loud irritated groan. This catching her older brother's attention. He peeked in munching on his bread once more.

"Mmmmhm?" He asked with the bread still in his mouth. She rolled her eyes before replying.

"Sorry I don't speak imbécile, care to translate?" She remarked rather sassily with her hands on her hips. Her older brother rolled his brown eyes finishing the toast.

"I said, what's wrong?" He finally replied leaning on the door frame.

"My goddamned boss, he requires that I learn how to act like a lady." She groaned.

"Well you are a lady. I mean ask mother, she did push you out he-"

"Breakfast is ready!" A pleasant voice called out to the family beckoning them all to the small kitchen.

She sat down with her family munching on the breakfast before her. Her mother always knew how to make something out of nothing. (Y/N) chewed on the bread thankful for the ability to eat something this morning, she was better off than most people she had known.

"How's work?" Paul asked looking up from his breakfast and at his daughter. (Y/N) groaned rubbing her temples and down at her wooden plate.

"I swear i must restrain myself from biting my thumb at the bloody prick." (Y/N) sighed finishing up her food and standing from her seat walking back to her shared room.

(Y/N) was reclusive, staying in her own thoughts for a majority of the day. Yet when it came time to eat, or be with family, she never passed up the opportunity.

"Well 50 franks a week, on top of your father's salary is enough to marry the damn man!" Karen joked, with a smile nibbling on the toast in her hand. (Y/N) gagged at the thought of marrying the mystery man.

"I'd rather kill myself mother." The whole family groaned.

Hi guys it's been a while, sorry i got writers block and stuff and i had no idea how to move it foreword. but now i do! so i'll be continuing! write in the comments what romantic encounters you want Erik and the Reader to be put through! I'll take the ones i like and place them throughout story :). Sorry it's so short.

- ☁✨Jordie ✨☁

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