The First Shift

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           As she opened the door to her home, (Y/N) wasn't even finished hanging up her cloak before she was engulfed in a hug. She blinked confused, before noticing her father's dark brown hair.

He pulled away misty eyed, His hands still on your shoulders. His deep brown eyes filled with worry.

"Where have you been?" He asked, his deep voice cracking. He looked into her eyes begging for an answer. She placed a hand on her father's shoulder.

"I was looking for a job, I couldn't make it back so I had to hitch a ride." She smiled, lying smoothly. Which was one of her specialties.

"(Y/N), it's been forty eight hours." Her eyes widened, that man had kept her in his music lair for two days. No, she had asleep for a full day.

Her mother ran in embracing you, before pulling away and smacking her daughter upside the head making her wince and rub the sore spot.

"You had us worried sick!" She cried out, her eyes misty as well.

"Mother, i'm twenty-four!" She whined.

"I don't care, how old you get young lady. I will always worry about you, you're my little baby girl." Her voice cracked, making it hard for her not to hold her close.

Christopher finally joined the party with a sigh of relief.

"You knucklehead, I thought the Phantom kidnapped you!" Here we go again, though her mind said it was complete rubbish. There was no such thing as the Opera Ghost. However, her mind still hadn't placed two and two together. Who was that man.

"Shuttup Chris!" She laughed.

It felt good, seeing them again. Her family really did love her more than anyone ever has.

It had been at least two hours since she got home, she sat on the bed which welcomed her each night. Her baby sister ran in jumping into her arms burying her face into her big sister's chest. A sweet smile danced over her lips.

"You missed me too eh?" She asked with a chuckle, Agatha nodded without a word. She smiled exhaling from your nose before kissing her head affectionately. She pulled her legs onto the bed and setting Agatha on her lap.

"Come on baby girl you have to get to bed." She nudged her, she shook her head looking into her big sister's (E/C) eyes. Her black eyelashes damp and her shiny orbs red.

"No," she hiccuped, "I'm scared you'll be gone when I wake up." she cried. Right then her heart broke in two, and a small drop of a tear threatened to escape. In (Y/N)'s opinion, crying was never to be shown around people you don't know. Or around people in general. Tears were nothing to be shown to, besides yourself.

"Agatha, you can sleep in my bed tonight." She compromised with a smile. She sniffled and nodded, she pushed her along.

"Go get dressed sweetie." She smiled as she ran off to get comfortable. Leaving her to change into her night gown, she sometimes wondered where her mother had gotten it from. It was so beautiful. Once the little one got snug into bed with her, she drifted off to sleep.

The man ran his hand through his hair, and rested his head on both his hands. He had no idea why he would act so rash towards her, first saving her from a horse drawn carriage, and saving her from drowning. Now offering her a job to help her family. What was wrong with him? Perhaps it was pity, yes pity. Thats what he would go with, however he didn't seem to understand, those things he said. He didn't want her around, he didn't need pity. Yet now he has to see her every day. Maybe after a few months or so, she'll be out of his hair. That troublesome child, that he still refuses to admit that he cares about.

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